I know someone who is at her middle thirties, lonely and sought to be loved, badly. Although is not granted with a fortunate guise, her Chinese features did attract a guy, also with Chinese features but with pure Chinese blood.
So after all ,God answered her prayer, in a quaint manner. He was all nice, charming and adorable and all his attention was devoted on her. Yet, secretly her heart doesn't yearn for him, the heart yearn for someone else, a married man. I too, know this married man. To me, he's nothing but an ordinary malay guy with rosyam noor look a like and his sweet words is something could be doubt about.
She alleged that there's nothing wrong with the Chinese guy, it just that few lame excuses thrown away. And denying her love for the married guy.
"I am just sad because he is ruining his life"
Oh sweet woman, you are not sad because he will ruin his life but you are sad because your heart wreck your life.
The heart, always being referred to the word love and passion yet unnecessary reverence could bring fatal. Yes, it is significant to listen to your heart but where is the judgment when the heart is asking for more than you could handle?
You love him, you want him but he doesn't even love you. Maybe he did but not as much as you crave for him.
It is throbbing when you have to face the truth that his heart doesn't desire you but it will be more wounding to face the fact that he doesn't desire you as well as you had to deal with the pain of thinking he should or might and you used to witness hope, which is you though were strongly there. It hurts to deal with denial.
After all these years, after many heart ache, I learned that, if you want to be with someone, let the mind make the judgment. Heart, can be taught how to wholly consent soon after.
After all, God granted you intelligence for something.
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