Monday, April 10, 2006


Naz making funny face[s] and chics trying to look cute [haha]

How's your weekend bunnies? Hope it was splendid.

Mine was not too bad, me , naz and pesa went to watch Gubra.

If you like Sepet, then you will love this movie. It's even better than the first one, witty yet full of messages. And it enlighten us about some stuff that we used to overlook as something not significant.

The best thing was, one of tha cast is Adlin Aman Ramlie[shadaapp] which made my heart leap and hah, he played as the type of guys who I always fall for. High-integrity, confidence, macho-cool and oozing with charisma yet turn out to be selfish and celake. But hey, I would trade place with Sh. Amani anytime. Hoho.

Malas nak tulis lebih-lebih but see it for yourself. This is a recommended one not like the haslams and that prof movie. So go!!Anyway, if you are going to watch this movie, wait till the credit ends before leaving the cinema or else you'll miss the fun.

Anyway, despite feeling content leaving the cinema, we went to Bond to seek for more entertainment. Party!!

Happy Monday!!

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