Curik this from Izan.Hehe.
My ex is someone who I still keep in touch until today. I wish I could hate him but I can't. I know he is reading this, so hi you!
Maybe I should give up HR and sell nasi lemak. You know , I suck at this job, being nosey and following rules are just not my cup of tea. This months I was late for more than 5 times. Hah!
I love it when that apek called and said "Assalamualaikum" in a perfect way even the fact he is not Malay leave alone Muslim.
I don't understand how can people keep saying "I love you" when they never love that person at the first place and worst, claiming they do but eventually admitted that they don't when things get shitty.
I lose my sense of feeling and my trust towards people. I also keep losing my clothes. Can't seem to blame anyone for both. *Sigh.
People say I am thin but honestly I think I'm fat ok maybe not thaaaat fat but yeah I do have some flab. Which remind me someone is coming home soon and I'm still not looking like Gwen. Fuck!
Love is when you start visualizing someone in white baju melayu and sampin sitting in front of kadi. Haha!
Somewhere, someone is reading this and saying "WTF la with this girl" but yeah, that person will come back for more, tomorrow.
I will always look at the mirror without miss, even it's a side mirror of someone else's car. I even check my reflection's at people's pc. Shadap.
Forever is not going to happen? Ok, actulally I can't find anything else to write. Writer's block.Hahahahahahhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
I never want to dye my hair red again. Did that once, I don't look chicsinred at all but I look like some perempuan gila with red hair. My guy friends teased me for not paying the water bill that I had to shower with air berkarat. Sheesh.
I think the current US President is not going to give a fuck about what I shall say about him, so why bother.
When I wake up in the morning, I wish I am still in uni so that I could continue sleeping and wake up for shopping spree and parties rather than sluggishly getting ready to work. Malas tau tak, malassssss??
My past was something that I want to forget. Some people use them against me although it doesn't seem to matter at the beginning.
I get annoyed when people buzz into my personal life. Stop sending me messages and email asking why I didn't write about my personal life anymore, whether I'm seeing some and with whom shall I go out with tonight. If I want to tell I will but if I don't, stop being nosey. Mind your own business.
Parties are when my adrenaline being pumped the highest but that depends. Tupperware party does not stimulate adrenaline at all. I hate Tupperware party. I once accompanied my mum and the host made me do chicken dance. Keji!
My dog is only appearing in my dream. Demm!
My cat is good in acting cute yet so manipulative. She would ignore me when I want her the most but when I was on the phone or trying to sleep she will give me her loudest purr and rub her nose to my face.
Kisses are the best when you and him are so in love with each other. When your lips meet his, you will feel your heart is exploding. Fireworks.
Tomorrow, I will be golek-ing on my bed. Golek..golek..ohhhhhhhhhhh bestnye dunia inihhhh
I really want to restyle my hair. Not chopping it short but restyle and yeah, highlight too. I am bored with the way I look now, I look so plain. I should do something about it rather than whine kan?
I have low tolerance for lots of things. One,people who assume they know me when actually they don't. Some people think by reading this blog they know who is chicsinred is when the truth is I only write less than one third about me. And two, people who never want to understand that I want to do nothing with them .
Yeah, I'm bored to death. Bear with me people.
Have a nice weekend.
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