Monday, February 20, 2006

Late Comer

I arrived at the office one minute late.One minute.But still the receptionist insisted me to write my name on the late arrival.Apa die HR pon kene tulis nama datang lambat? Takkan aku nak issue warning letter dekat diri sendiri kot?Ciss.Macamana aku boleh jadi HR pon, I oso dunno.

I mean I am supposed to supervise diciplinary matters among the workers sedangkan aku? Haha.

Ok, basically it was my fault that I turned up late coz I slept kinda late yesterday. I am still thinking of what kind of excuses or explaination shall I put on the report for turning late to work. Kalau jem tak logik, semua orang tau aku tinggal dekat dengan ofis. Kereta rosak..macam tak best. Tapi tak apalah, I mean today is monday I need to do something exciting on the weekend or else I'll turn up to work with the instict to strangle myself.

Enough of blabberinglah ok bunnies. Dowan to kacau you all membuat kerja, you bunch of industrious freaks =P. Anyway, Happy Monday!

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