Hello bunnies.. How are my bunnies doing? I pening kepala sketla, maybe pasal terlebih tido, maklumla tak keje..Hohohoh.
Anyway, do you realized what months is this hu? It's february all right. The month for aquarius and pisces. Now, today I nak cakap sket pasal pisces. See the picture above?So the lemah gemalai kan?Itulah I.Haha
Nola, actually we pisces are very sensitive people. Sensitif yang tahap dewa punya. Kejap-kejap nak merajuk, kejap-kejap nak naik angin. Tapi kalau pisces mengamuk sangatla tak best sbb selalunyela kan, orang yg berbintang pisces ini, mulutnya sangatla bisa [tak caya meh kiss sket, hehe]. Akan tetapi pisces juga adalah sangat penyayang dan sangat passionate dan selfless. Selalu nak pikir pasal orang padahal diri sendiri macam tahaper-haper ntah.
Ok macam boring pulak. Takla, what I'm trying to say is, if you love a pisces, they will love you back with their whole heart and the weakness is because they are so sensitive and intuitive so cinta merupakan perkara yang agak melemahkan bagi mereka ini.
According to one website the best mate for pisces are sagi and scorpio. I dunno how true is that but how about pisces and pisces?
I received an email on this stating that pisces and pisces akan selalu bercakaran sebab dua-dua super sensitive, dua-dua pengamuk dan perajuk but in the bedroom..they are like..fire. Hahaha.Fire I likee.
Okla, bodoh. See I told you I am a bit pening k. No, sebenanye what I try to tell you guys is..yang sebenar-sebenarnye ialah..
Wey, birthday aku dah dekat. And an albino phyton would be nice.
Cintailah pisces.Hehe
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