One of the thing that I hate is rempit. Be it rempit motor or rempit kereta. I hate. Hate. But hah, never talk cocky, the same thing will come stinging at your face.
And so it did. To me.
He chose to bring his favourite car this time. It was black, it was..loud. And for some reason sometimes the engine get too hot [at times, yang aku pon tak sure bila] that you will also feel the heat. When the day is hot and you feel the heat, meaning you feel like you want to go ripping off your kebaya. See that smile? That's a-oh-bapak-panas-smile. And don't let me start about the noise. Don't.
But..the night before it was not that heaty. We went to berpoye-poye and end up going home when the clock stroke 3 or 4 or something like that. When there's no car meaning no traffic so apalah guna ada kereta rempit kalau tak boleh rembat [wah, aku cakap pon dah macam rempit k]. So we were on the elevated highway, passing the toll and he said
"Pegang kuat-kuat ok"
Ah sudahhhhh...
That time there was this car yang aku agak sukala jugak aktiviti-aktiviti macam ni which sort of carik-ing geng to rempit. I could see that he is so teruja coz after that his car went fast. Like really fast until the meter reach the maximum number, with bapak loud sound until I can hear nothing anymore.200 metres away, there's a corner. I glanced at him fully menggelupur but he seemed relax gile [Apakah kau tak takut matiiiiiiiiiiii?]. And there was a cab on the left lane and the other car that initially start the sesi rempit on the right lane. Obviously the other car wouldn't let us pass. If I were the driver I would like..wait patiently [mind you, I pemandu berhemah k] but ..He..He..pressed the pedal and try passing through the 2 cars. The moment we reached nearer a small gap in between the two cars, I closed my eyes and..aku mengucap ok. Celake, bapak takut. And few meters after that we approached a corner where he slower the velocity by reducing only the gap of 20 from what he drove before.
But we managed to survive and won [haha].
"So lain kali kalau I race betul-betul you jadi navigator ok?"
But that is not the keji-est part.
The most keji-est part is..
I, chics..sort of enjoy it.
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