Someone told me that if you genuinely love somebody, illustrate your earnest appreciation. It's like you would not let anything harm her. That's pure love.
Like a love from a mother to her child, will not even accede a small mosquito looms her precious. Like a love from a partisan for his realm, wouldn't demur drenching thousands of blood to defend his country.
But what is a love from a guy to a girl or from a girl to a guy?
We uttered the three magic words to our significant others every day yet the true meaning is still masquerading.
I love you.
Yet the girl discovers materials are more gratifying. Yes, I love him and for that he had to furnish. It's a man's liability isn't it? He who desires me; shall heed me. I am just a vulnerable girl. He is a guy, he should know better.
But I do love him.
Albeit he in all probability had to squander all his money on me.
Yet the guy finds sexual intercourse is somewhat to look forward to. Why not? We love each other and I bet she favours it too. It's ok if she doesn't want it but if she wants it, it would be better. Eh no, I don't think by doing that I'm disrespecting her. This is the twentieth century. Come on.
Yes, I love her.
She's so pretty, she's so hot. I got to have her.
Being in love is wonderful. Regardless the purity status remains vague or vice versa.
As long as everything is wonderful.
If you really love him, you would not let him feel hampered with debts just to satisfy you.
If you really love her, you would value her or take care of her instead of sleeping with her.
If you really love him, you would not uttered words that tore his heart apart.
If you really love her, you would not beat her and feel sorry later.
If you really love someone purely, you would know, without that person life ..doesn't mean anything.
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