I left my cell phone at home yesterday, which is soo me. When I finally get home there were 10 miss calls with 8 messages. My client called and he called me chics instead of my real name.Haha. Cute. I like him though my colleague sort of detest him but yeah, that's not the point.
There's this voice message from a person that I haven't keep in touch with for a long time. If you remember I did write about her few months back, she's the one who wouldn't mind going for people husband. As a friend, it's courteous to return her call since she asked me to ring her back.
It seems that things did not go well on her side. That guy apparently only wants her as a friend but she can't cope with just being a friend. I asked her why that is was so hard for her to let go and why wooed someone who on the record belong to someone else. She told me that all single men whom she had relationship with treated her like a piece of shit. Well, that's not a new story for me.
If she had been through bad relationships before with single men not knowing what will be in the future why go for something that she can already predict the verdict?
Like I said, some woman when they begin to care for someone they forget to put their feet on the ground. At times they tend to give extra things be it attention or material wise not knowing that the other party is not in need of those thing leave alone to care. Sometimes you try to show them affection but to that person it is just gratuitous. One question, how to love but not to care, not to show affection?
Would it be better to let them deal with their own life and you deal with your own life yet claiming both of you care for each other? Isn't caring is sharing? As an attention whore, I don't know the answer.
Apart from that married man, she also had a serious relationship with a single guy since she knows that the married guy is sort of out of reach. That friend told me how hurt she is when she tries to care but the guy [the single one] accused her for being nosy. Nosy for asking what time will the guy finish working so they can have dinner together, nosy for asking whether there is a possibility for them to shop for Hari Raya essentials the following weekend. Now I am confused to whom should I give my bitch slap to.
Perhaps some people just take another person as and when they like at their own convenience. It's like when I feel like calling you, I'll call. When I feel like seeing you, I'll tell but please don't get in my way. My life is so busy and I don't need a headache to mess it up. Sad isn't it?
She cried over the phone and I truly feel sorry for her. I know how does loneliness and emptiness feel. Yet, I can only comfort her with some words that I'm too, not too sure of.
The more you think of it, the trickier it gets. How sure of you that the other person really wants you in his life? Everyday you try to convince your self that you are a psycho bitch who keep thinking about irrelevant thoughts although you know that you could simplify things. Except, how to simplify when the equations does not tally? When what you have in mind does not tally with what you have in heart.
Aiyoh, I can vomit blood ok like this[ quoted from my superior].
Before I vomit blood, I better pen off[haha].
Unless you want to tell me the answer..