Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Mamak marketing

It's raining..and I'm working. The office is 3/4 empty but I'm sitting on my desk thinking wouldn't it be nice to snuggle under my blanket at this moment.

Not going to happen, I know. Instead I have to pretend to be busy today. Hah!

Nway, last weekend, I was checking the mailbox [manala tau ada orang nak kasik surat dekat aku.Haha]only to find a flyer from a mamak stall. The thing is they stated EPL schedule which is not a big thing. Ni tapinye siap buat macam intisari rancangan. Hari sekian-sekian nak tayang sape lawan sape. I was sengih-sengih while reading the advert."Big Screen TV".It was not the cheap kind of flyers. Was made from some expensive hard paper, full coloured. Stok kalau kene hujan, masuk dalam longkang, gerenti tak basah.

Gigih sungguh mamak itu.

Then my bro told me about another mamak stall which is a supporter for Liverpool. Siapa masa game datang pakai jersey Liverpool, nanti dapat teh ais free. Haha, gile best.

Keji betul marketing diorang ni.

Nasib baikla rumah aku ada astro, tayah gi mamak.

Eceh, macamlah tengok bola pon.


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