Thursday, September 29, 2005

Strangers in my windows.

I am not a people person. Besides my close friends and my boyfriend, I am more willingly to spend my time with my darlings' cats. Rather be left alone than meeting up or making conversations with strangers.

I thought, why should I? I am pretty at ease with the fact that people calling me snob, hostile or whatever you can think of me, as if you know me that well. Life is too short to feel bothered by people's remarks. Don't you think so?

But you know, lately I was amazed by the fact that actually none of it is true.

I hadn't got the chance to be online that much plus I was and still occupied with workloads that sometimes really pushed me to the limit. Hey no, I am not complaining, I love my job. It's just that on a very terrible day a little short email or even sms from strangers can make a big difference.

Thanks to this blog, I met wonderful people that always form sunshine to my day. There's this babe named puteree. Even though I only knew her for like few months but it seemed like I had known her for over a year. She's funny, comforting but honest. I mean if something I told her not quite like she was having in mind, she told me off and I think that cool. They funny thing is, we never meet each other. Hey babe, I am glad to know you. Really.

And yesterday, I received few emails from this gentleman whom I used to chat online with. No, he's not going after me or anything but he's just being friendly because he's a nice person. We used to correspond through email however, after sometime we lost connection. Not until last week when I remitted an email to bunch of people, forwarding some position I had in hands, which pretty much everybody on my emailing list was included. At the end of that email I wrote my full name which is myfullname ros kamal coz I was using my company's email. After 1 week, he replied my email by saying "Is that you chics?" and he mentioned that he had been traveling for the past few weeks and haven't got much chance to do almost anything.

I had a bad day yesterday at the office. Like really bad that I didn't even talked back when my HR made fun of me[hah!]. But when his third email came he made me laugh real hard for the first time. It was just a simple email but to me it did help to loosen up my screws.

"Maybe I should call you mawar"

The last time that someone called me by the name of mawar is 15 years back who happened to be my music teacher. I mean, ros kamal is my father's name, not mine. Actually people mistake that ros name all the time but it's been quite sometimes when someone brought up that mawar thingy. So original ;)

These people are just some of instances who always brighten my days with witty emails or smses. You know who you are. Thank you so much. You guys are cool!

Just don't write me some corny erotic poems or giving me some email with something says like "can we meet up and make out"?
Moron. You definitely belong to the trash bin.

Anyway, I don't think I'll be having a bad mood today since ag is back at his office. the reason I smile everyday.

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