Friday, September 30, 2005
The killer
I thought it was the usual big kenduri where my grandma will invite the whole hulu langat. Instead it was against the norm, only closed family members were invited. Everybody was surprised to see me there [and secretly, so do I :P]. The thing that really maddened me was none of my grown up cousins [I was the eldest] attended the kenduri, they all went pak tor with their boyfriends and even let they boyfriends picked them up even though they just live opposite my grandma's and me.. can't be doing that coz I want to please my mom, when actually nobody cared. One of few things that I do not wish to follow my mum is her concern to live upon people expectations.
I was left alone to mingle around with kids. Who talked about hip hop, underground band that I never heard of and forever non-stop making their 'in' jokes that nearly made me cry coz I can't believe I was one of them!. Hello, I'm too old for that,ok.
Got nothing to do over there, really. Wanting to help cooking and preparing[haha, nice try]..But my grandma has her own maid and my aunties had their maid with them to my grandma's house. So I was just someone who's making smirking faces and listen to bibik sesame bibik conversations. After a while I get bored and start playing with my phone. Uh, and I found games services in my maxis service. Click on the virtual pet and start playing. I fed that thing, bath and some other stuff that a moron can think of. Oh, it's not just a thing, I name it, coco as in coco chanel [haha]. I was not that fun but hey, it’s better than watching mawi on the telly [no offense]. Around 12 midnight, my bro was ready to go back to Shah Alam and I was more than happy.
Yesterday, the same feeling crept over me while I was waiting for my mum to finish her maghrib prayer in the car. I was bored. Was thinking to listen to the radio but it was azan knowlah. Then only I remember about coco.
Clicked to virtual pet status.
Pet is awake
(00), R U so cruel!!
U din clean me,
And you starved me 2 death..
Oh shit. Oh shit.
Dengan bodohnye aku pegila click button feed, with full of guilt as if I forgot to feed my cats for over 1 week. This is the reply that I get.
-=I dun=-
2 leave
my time
wif u
.:is up:.
care of
urself [celake, penatnye aku nak taip ikut skema sms ni].
No, this can't be happening. Oh, perhaps I should give my pet medication.. so medicine, clicked and go.
The reply.. was still the same.
Fuck. I just starved my pet to death.
I killed my pet.
And moronly I feel bad and guilty.
Like soo bad..
I wish I wasn't too occupied to feed it.
I wiash I wouldn't be too selfish just to think of myself.
Padahal mende tu kenal aku pon tak..
Apa kene dengan aku ni wey??
Thursday, September 29, 2005
Strangers in my windows.
I thought, why should I? I am pretty at ease with the fact that people calling me snob, hostile or whatever you can think of me, as if you know me that well. Life is too short to feel bothered by people's remarks. Don't you think so?
But you know, lately I was amazed by the fact that actually none of it is true.
I hadn't got the chance to be online that much plus I was and still occupied with workloads that sometimes really pushed me to the limit. Hey no, I am not complaining, I love my job. It's just that on a very terrible day a little short email or even sms from strangers can make a big difference.
Thanks to this blog, I met wonderful people that always form sunshine to my day. There's this babe named puteree. Even though I only knew her for like few months but it seemed like I had known her for over a year. She's funny, comforting but honest. I mean if something I told her not quite like she was having in mind, she told me off and I think that cool. They funny thing is, we never meet each other. Hey babe, I am glad to know you. Really.
And yesterday, I received few emails from this gentleman whom I used to chat online with. No, he's not going after me or anything but he's just being friendly because he's a nice person. We used to correspond through email however, after sometime we lost connection. Not until last week when I remitted an email to bunch of people, forwarding some position I had in hands, which pretty much everybody on my emailing list was included. At the end of that email I wrote my full name which is myfullname ros kamal coz I was using my company's email. After 1 week, he replied my email by saying "Is that you chics?" and he mentioned that he had been traveling for the past few weeks and haven't got much chance to do almost anything.
I had a bad day yesterday at the office. Like really bad that I didn't even talked back when my HR made fun of me[hah!]. But when his third email came he made me laugh real hard for the first time. It was just a simple email but to me it did help to loosen up my screws.
"Maybe I should call you mawar"
The last time that someone called me by the name of mawar is 15 years back who happened to be my music teacher. I mean, ros kamal is my father's name, not mine. Actually people mistake that ros name all the time but it's been quite sometimes when someone brought up that mawar thingy. So original ;)
These people are just some of instances who always brighten my days with witty emails or smses. You know who you are. Thank you so much. You guys are cool!
Just don't write me some corny erotic poems or giving me some email with something says like "can we meet up and make out"?
Moron. You definitely belong to the trash bin.
Anyway, I don't think I'll be having a bad mood today since ag is back at his office. the reason I smile everyday.
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
Stressnye I!!
Penah dapat tonsilitis? I penah, takla banyak kali tapi penah. Macam hari ni, tonsil I sangat bengkak dan nak telan air liur pon susah. Dia macam ni tau, tiap kali I stress dan tak cukup rehat, I mesti kene tonsil. Mana tak stress you client I banyak songel lepas tu semenjak dua menjak ni badan I sakit-sakit. Nak kata I keje sebagai penebang kayu tak jugak, I pon tak paham. Dulu penah kene sampai tekak I bernanah. Sakit gile ok. Tu yang dari 45 kg terus turun 36 kg dalam masa 1 minggu tu. Sekarang badan pon dah panas tapi I tak boleh cuti sebab hari ni I ada meeting and kerja I berlambak. Kalau I cuti siapa nak siapkan kerja I.Besok pon tak boleh sebab I kene pergi Putrajaya ada client meeting.Tak boleh kensel, nanti susah nak reschedule.
I memang suke berpoye-poye tapi bila I bekerja I buat betul-betul sebab I percaya "give the very best in everything you do" .Sebab tulah bila berpoye-poye I berpoye-poye dengan bersungguh-sungguh, sampai tak nak balik and kene marah.Hehe
Tapi pagi tadi lagi stress. Mak I cakap dia mungkin nak duduk Jakarta sepanjang bulan puasa. Ayah I teringin nak makan masakan Malaysia masa bulan puasa. Habislah I, matilah nak kemas rumah, nak masak and nak pegi keje. Tapi rasanya I makan dalam kete je sebab jalan Damansara ni memang macam celako. Macam taun lepaslah, mak I pegi Jakarta jugak.Huru-hara ok.Sampai I deman-demam.
Lepas tu bertambah-tambah stress bila memikirkan entah-entah ayah I nak suruh kitorang sefamily berhari raya dekat Jakarta lagi.Tak naklah, tak best lansung.Tak acila.I dah tempah baju raya yang vogue the vast ok. Nanti jadi macam tahun lepas, pakai sluar pendek je sambil tengok HBO di pagi raya.Lepas tu petang pegi rumah Pak Yusa, driver ayah lepas tu makan makanan raya Indonesia. Tak bestlah, I nak rendang minang nenek I.Kejila pemikiran-pemikiran sebegini.
Tahi. Tiba-tiba rasa tak best.
Oklah you all.I nak check email I skejap.
You all buatlah keje rajin-rajin.
Tata [I tak boleh bagi muah muah nanti berjangkit kat you all]
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
Luapan Amukan
1. Bodoh punye client. Bukan clientla tapi HR die. Kalau kau tak baca email aku cakap jelah, janganla nak tipu-tipu.Sebab engkaula 12 candidate aku tak dapat pegi interview sekarang position tu dah close. Maknanya aku tak boleh place candidate. Bodohla engkau niiiiiiiiii..malas pulak tu.Cuba cakap skang, siapa cakap melayu je yang malas? Kau ingat suara kau lembut konon aku tak marah la ye?
2. Kenapa ramai orang yang tak tau baca instruction dalam dunia ni.Kalau aku cakap aku nak skill A dengan requirement B, ikutla..Kalau kau ade requirement FGHJ tak payahla apply.Lepas tu nak marah kenapa tak terpilih. Aku belasah jugak kau ni kang.
3. Aku benci bloodsuckers. Engkau kalau rasa tak boleh nak pegi dgn gaya hidup mewah settlela dengan gaya hidup yang kau mampu. Ni tak, nak buat rumah, nak beli kete, nak itu, nak ini.Lepas tu mintak duit bapak aku la plak.Kau ingat bapak aku ni pegi keje jauh-jauh sebab nak bagi korang seme duit ke? Kau tau tak aku sedih bila bapak aku keje jauh, aku rindu bapak aku. Ada ke korang pedulik, haa lepas tu bila bapak aku balik tiba-tiba nampak je muka sesekor. Hoih, mak aku pon dah bertaun tak tuka kete tau, pakai je kete buruk tu.Aku ni haaaaaaa..lagila sekarang takde kete dah, bagi adik aku pakai. Taikla korang ni.
4. Dah nak raya tapi perut aku buncit jugak.Macamana la niii..Baru ingat nak jogging tapi puasa la pulak.Nak buat sit up macam tak dapat sebab dah dua hari kaki aku sakit.Apa ntah yang aku buat weekends ni.Haaa..cakap pasal raya ad eke mak aku suruh aku bagi duit araya dekat bloodsuckers?Hoih..Apahal?????????????????????????
5. Okla.baik aku benti seblum boss aku plak yang buat luapan amukan.
Shine and sparkle, Lindsay!
Considering going for scaling. And maybe later polishing. You know, I was watching parent trap where they had small version of Lindsay Lohan. Freckled face, small boobs, chipped yellowish teeth but walla today she's a bomb with flashing white teeth that make me drool for her.
The problem is..I'm kinda scared of the idea going to the dentist. You know all gadgets that they used. Especially the cleaning gadget, the one that make the "tttzzzzz" sound as they polish or drill your teeth, the same time your lips tremble because that horrifying machine is damn hot too. Possibility to get your luscious lips burn is there. You might have clean looking teeth but what's the purpose if your lips look like some burn fish lips. Think Melanie Griffith and her wrinkles [aah] and imagine the blood..after you gargle..Uhhhh.Scary.
By the way, do you guys have this campaign in primary, where the school invited dentist and nurses to teach you how to brush your teeth? Hah, I tell you, I was amazed by the big teeth replica rather than what they taught us. It's like woow..can I touch them? Anyway, when I think of it now, it's kind of disgusting. I mean you sat next to your crush and brushed your teeth together while giggling with your girlfriend on the other side. How cool is that? I still remember my toothbrush, it's red with soft bristles.
During secondary, I love it when the dentist visited the school because it meant that we can skip class and haha the whole period after that. Still can remember they used this brownish card with teeth diagram, some marked with "x". Never know what did that meant until now. I was also fascinated with braces. I used to think that people with colourful braces were cool. Like, hah I'm sooo cool, I have silver teeth that made me look like terminator. I even begged my mom to get me braces but she said I don't need them. I even begged her harder during my asasi years after my friend, Sarah told me that her dentist was such a cutie. Yet, I failed again.
I also think that people with prominent fangs are cool. Not cool actually but sexy.
I think being a dentist is something difficult. Not the study [of coursela the study part is difficult] but the part when you have to inspect people mouth. Hoh, what if that person has bad breath or rotten teeth? Oh no. If I become a dentist a lot of people are going to suffer. Big time. I mean how could you let an accident prone chic like me handle your teeth. I might drill your gums accidentally. So be thankful for that, ok people?
Nyway, should I or should I not allow that frightful machine gets near my mouth?
What if that doctor turned out to be like me?
It would be an excruciating experience isn't it but ..on the other side..think..Lindsay Lohan..
Monday, September 26, 2005
Cinderella man
Ag: Tengok Cinderella man ye?
Me: Russel crow kan? Best ke?
Ag: Best, ala you kan suke Cinderella.
Me: Humm..Ok.
Sunday, 4.00, GSC lobby, One Utama
Ag: Flight plane pon best,. Minggu depan kite tengok ye.
Me: Ala, tak nakla.Cite typical thiller Hollywood. Nak tengok duke of hazard. Nak tengok bontot Jessica Simpson [macamlah tak typical kan..] .
Ag: Eee,,taknaklah.
Me: Ala, tak acila, nak kene tengok cite you je.
Ag: Eh, hari ni crite you apa? Crite Cinderella. Russel Crow plak tu.
Me: Eleh, dia yang nak tengok pastu cakap I. *Pout*
Ag: Yelah,yelah.Minggu depan tengok Duke of Hazardlah. Dah jangan merajuk lagi.
Sunday, GSC cinema, One Utama
Ag:*Staring at a poster* Hah, 20 September keluar crite Goal [Siapalah yang gatal buat crite ni?]. Kene tengok ni by.
Me:Hah? Goal? Macam tak best je. Lagipun tu pasal Newcastle, you sebagai peminat Liverpool mana bleh tengok, macam betray ok.
Ag: Manade, tengok je bukan apa, lagipon lambat lagi. Takpe minggu depan tengok crite Flighplane kay?
Pandainye bf aku twist keadaan. Tapi nasib baik comel.
I am fond of Russell Crow movies. He doesn't usually star in plain dim wits movie. I mean in role wise. My heart melted for him since I saw his astounding performance in beautiful mind. Oh my, I wish I'm Jennifer Connelly so I can hug him and say "Sweetie, crazy or not, I will always be with you".Haha. Apart from that I love Reene Zelwegger too. She might not be that darn pretty but her choice in choosing a role is excellent. Remember Bridget Jones and that movie starring Tom Cruise [Shit, I can't recall the name].So imagine, two star with pouty lips starred in a romantic oh-my- I-so-wanna-get married-now kinda movie...Or not.
Cinderella man is nothing like Cinderella. No ugly stepsisters' scene except full of ugly blood spitting fight scenes. I spent 1/2 of the movie covering my face with my shawl. I mean how could anyone see Russel Crow got beaten up till all his finger bones broke into pieces and witness how the whole family survive in poverty. Like real poor ok, till the extent he had to beg for 19 dollar just to get all his children back.
If you are cry baby or in a nicer words, have a very very delicate heart [like me] bring lots of tissue. And no dear, they don't have mice and that pumpkin which can transform into a nice carriage.
Despite my disappointment, I must say it's a must watch movie.
Go Abang Russell!!
Friday, September 23, 2005
Husband snatcher
I got a called just now from a friend. We are not that closed but still friend. Before this every time we had a conversation she would not forget to asked me this question
"Chics, kau ade lelaki tak nak kenalkan dekat aku"
Hoih, kau ingat aku ni ibu ayam ke ape?
The first time she called after meeting somewhere in a club was around 3 years back. She was crying. Apparently her boyfriend left her for another woman. And the woman even have the guts to call her to say how much she loves my friend boyfriend. Since then she's boyfriendless and kept nagging me to find him a boyfriend. Maybe she forgot that I'm working for employment company not match making agency.
Anyway, last month, things started to change. She's seeing someone new. From her description, this guy is handsome, charismatic and just came back from overseas, his type of guy. The problem is he's happily married with three kids, the eldest is standard four. Well.. the problem only occurred to me because she found there's nothing wrong with that even he's happily, I repeat happily married. I don't know what to say but I told her I was not fond with the idea but it's her life so she decide.
Anyway, she called me just now saying there are soooooooo in love like big red heart with thumping thumping sound. Usually when my friends calling me saying they are madly in love I couldn't be happier but today, I feel like my body is going to explode, not in orgasmic way but in heated way. Now she is confused on where she stand, because like every other girl, she want a happy ending.
She: Apa aku nak buat ni?
Me: Asked him where you stand.
She: Ala , kalau dia tinggalkan aku?
Me: If he's not sincere sooner or later it's going to happen. He's married remember? Bahagia plak tu. Wife dia tak tahu kan?
She: Chics, janganlah macam tu. Kau tak kesian ke dekat aku?
Me: *Sigh* Kesian tapi aku lagi kesian dekat wife dia. I mean, you been in the situation before. Someone amik boyfriend kau. You know how it felt. Someone dia dah ada anak lagi.Kecik kecik plak tu.
She: Betul but semua jantan single tak boleh harap. Aku tak kira dah laki orang ke ape ke, janji aku bahagia.
She : Hum..Apa nak buat ni semua dah takdir.Qada' dan Qadar
Me: If I'm not mistaken, we can plan our destiny. You know he's married from the first time you saw him, you should have stay away.
She: Hmm..
Me: Mak kau tau tak?
She: Tau, dia sebetulnya kesahlah tapi sebab aku nak jugak dia tak kisah dah. Dia ok, Cuma dia pesan,aku kene selalu mengalah.Dia cakap, kalau jantan bujang semua tak guna, laki orang pon tak apalah. Are you not happy for me chics?
Me: No. Am not. Sorry.
WTF la wey?
If that guy can do such things to his wife, there is a possibility for him to do such things to you.
I know that we went partying together and we bitched together but for you to ask me to be in your shoes is impossible.Sorry, I might seemed like happy-party-fat-wallet-husband-snatcher-kinda-girl that have a face stating "Hey, I will get in bed with everybody" but no, am not.
I am not going to say that it's okay for you to do that because it's not but..that is your life. So you choose.
But I do pity the wife.
To eat or to sleep
Anyway,I'm having a scrumptious breakfast to sort of please my self. Am having scramble egg, turkey ham, hash brown and toast bread. Ohh..Isn't that delicious or what?
Despite my petite body. I love to eat and I can eat a lot. During my schooldays I was fat coz I ate 5 full meals a day plus some other stuff. Nothing can defeat food except one thing. Sleep.
I rather not eat than sleep.I have this wonderful dormates back in school. On weekends we will have maggie fest. After riadah/kuliah subuh/qiamullail[ok, i rarely attend this one] we will have breakfast and continue our slumber till noon. Then wake up cooked like lots of maggie. Fest.Then continued our sleeping.Haha. What a marvellous weekend eh?
Then at night, will buy 2 bungkus of nasik lemak. Funny I prefer to have nasik lemak as supper than breakfast.
But during my uni years, even at 4 am I'm still in one of the gerai in KL having hot salivating sup lidah, half concious with some bunch of guys who I halfly known. I mean..what is the beast to do after partying? Hot soup with nasik lemak! Exactly. But today I regret it coz lacking of sleeping left me with eye bags.Two ugly eye bags. Hoh!
Ok, sorry for talking crap.Nway...
Have a wonderful weekend!
Thursday, September 22, 2005
Ngaruk-ngaruk IRC
Awak semua suka main kuiz tak? Alah, dulukan masa IRC tengah femes ada satu channel yang keje dia main kuiz je tau. Kita ni dulu minah IRC, malam-malam mesti nak online , nak chat dengan orang-orang macam spentot dan rakan-rakan. Sangatlah best. Spentot ni dia suka masak sambil chat, kita plak suke main kuiz sambil chat. Habis jari jemari kita yang runcing ni kebas wak, sebab nak taip laju-laju. Lepas tu kan bila dapat jawab kan siap boleh lompat-lompat sensorang dalam bilik. Macam cacat tak? Masa nak jawab tu berdebar-debar, nak jawab paper fizik time SPM pon takdela berdebar mcm tu. Haha
IRC dulu best kay, tak macam sekaranglah. Sekarang orang dekat IRC tapaper jek. Balik- balik mintak no tepon. Letihla nak bagi.Kalau bagi karang tak hensem menyesal pulak. Kalau hensem pon menyesal jugak sebab mesti saiko.
Tapikan dulu kita adela chat dekat chenel uni kita tau, lepas tu ada sorang budak ni la kan dia budak networkingla tau. Tah macamana tah dia cakap die kenalla dengan kite pasal kita dengan kengkawan kita suka memekak sambil ponteng kelas dekat cafe. Lepas tu kita tanyala dia yang mana satu tapi dia nak rerahsia plak la. Tak acila sebab dia cakap dia tiap-tiap hari tengok bontot kitorang. Kejila dia tu kan. Sampai skang tak tau sape. Kalau dia baca ni, Kelvin, awak jahat ye, suka tengok bontot orang. Awak lulus cemerlang ke tak? Kalau tak, padan muka awak.
Nak cakap satu rahsia la kat sini jugak. Sebenanye bukan rahsia lagila tapi takpelah, nak cakap jugak. Kita penah ok kluar dengan orang IRC. Ada 2 orang. Yang sorang tu ex kita yang samdol tu, yang sorang lagi pelakon pendekar. Kejiiii..Hari tu kan nampak dia berlakon drama cerekarama, menjerit- jerit kita kegelian. Ada ke dia cakap dia nak bawak kita pegi shooting? Haah ye, lepas tu nanti muka kita masuk mangga dengan tagline "Pelakon seksi pendekar bercinta dengan mahasiswa". Lepas tu nanti ada muka kite yang malu malu kucing yang diambil secara curik lepas tu kat seblah tu ada gamba besar mamat tu tengah basah kuyup tepi swimming pool sambil buat muka geli.Takk nakkkkkkkkkkkkkk
Sekarang kita lagi suka pakai YMla. Sebab kalau malas nak chat lagi boleh masukkan dalam ignore list.Hehe. Kalau best boleh chat lagi besok, kalau orang tu tak online boleh tinggalkan offline mesej.Lepas tu kan boleh buat muka-muka comel. Sukeee
Tapi tu semua dah tinggal kenangan. Okla, dah rasa sedih tiba-tiba. Tak suka HR kita, dia jahat, tak bagi YM, rasa macam tak nak je kawan dia tapi kene kawan sebab kalau tak kawan tak dapat gaji.
Nak pegi buat keje dah ni. Tapi sebelum tu kita dedicate serangkap pantun untuk awak-awak semua kay. Enjoysssss.
Nyaman terasa di pagi nan sepi,
Lagi nyaman air di perigi,
Rindu dendam ku tidak bertepi,
Bisakah kita bersua di YM lagi?
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
There was a time
I told him that he's a Malay wannabe when he told me he couldn't woo any Chinese girls instead all the chicas he dated were all Malay. But then he said "I don't want to be Malay. I don't want to be lazy"
And I corrected him, not all Malay are lazy and I told him not all chicas go for fat wallet guy. He laughed but concurred saying not all guys will sleep with whores even if given chance.
I still remember the moment on every single morning during my primary, I would take out my exercise books for him to copy. Back then he was too 'busy' to do his homework because was too occupied with football practice, until one day something happened to his leg during a football practice. Still, he copied my homework, with or without football.
Today, he's no longer the boy I used to know. Not goofy, not cheeky but someone who is full of integrity. He told me about his life in UK, how he paid every single penny using his own sweat and how he missed his girlfriend so much.
The other day I was quiet upset with him over 30 minutes telephone conversation when he confessed he's not going to wed to his girlfriend and don't give a shit about what she will think because he doesn't feel like it, even though they were together for almost 5 years. He also affronted me by saying he doesn't give a fuck about religion.
"What are you? Christian or something?" I asked, while sitting in my grandma's rest house.
"Nah, I don't have any. I don't believe in any religion. I think human were born to suffer"
I am no religious but it upset me when he said that because I used to lookup to him. I used to be okay with people point of view regardless any matter but not then. Later that night when I think about what he said not caring enough about his girlfriend, it did made me cry. I loath guy who took woman for granted as if we don't mean anything. He was there for me when I cried after getting my heart broken. He comforted me even we were thousands miles away. He was in UK and I was in Malaysia. How could someone I value uttered such words?
Last night, it was different. He finally spilled the beans. Of what happened in UK and everything related to it. I am almost ashamed to say but I had to admit that he's more courteous and dogged compared to some Malay I know for some reason which I shall keep to myself.
We talked about so many things. Love, life, deception and hopes. He has faith with his girlfriend although the image is still blurry and he gave me faith when he asked
"Both of us feel our lives are full of shit. Tell me one thing, what differentiate between someone who have no religion and someone who have faith in God?"
Someone asked me this questions once, 9 years ago and yesterday I was asked the same question, both by the same race.
I told him, on happy moments I have my God to thank to and on sad moments I have my God to seek for solace. I always have Him no matter what I do.
I almost didn't believe I said that [!!!].
It's such a wonder to hear such question from a guy who seemed to be thinking how to get laid all the time and to hear such answer from a girl who only thinks about herself all the time.
He did make me think later that night. Like really hard.
It was only 3 hours get-together but he managed to leave some inexplicable feeling in me the moment he stepped out from the car.
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
The traffic was smooth, I mean what a great day it is. Reached the office quite early.About 8.05, called ag and have my ritual morning chat for spirit boost[haha].
Was thinking to get the usual morning juice instead I just went straight to the lift. Now, yesterday, one of the lift was not working but I guess someone must have fixed it. When I pressed the 'up' button the one that broke yesterday opened it's door. Without suspicion, I got into the lift and pressed 9, my office. Was not paying attention to the lift because my mind was somewhere else. Not until the light start to flicker and the car made some funny noise. Oh my, I was already on the 10th floor. Damn. I mussed had forgotten to press the button, I thought. So I pressed 9 but hoho, nothing happened,instead the car made the 'teeeet' sound as if saying "teet, you are going to die". I dunno why but I started to imagine lift-ghost-situation, you know like the movie, the eye..except this is morning.
I hate small space. I hate small stuffy space.It make me feel suffocated. I tried to press 1, making some weird noises with flickering lights, the car went down but it didn't stopped at level 1, it went to B3. And the door just won't open.Haha. I'm going to get stuck here. Well..I did. The regime going up and down lasted for 15 minutes. I know that 15 minutes is not that long but it's enough to make me menggelupur.
Finally,the car stopped at level 1. I was never thankful to breath fresh air.
Thank God, kalau tak mesti aku tengah nangis skang.
Monday, September 19, 2005
Show me the meaning..
Anyway,puasa is just around the corner which bring me to Hari Raya [ already]. Am not sure where will we be celebrating Raya, is it going to be Malaysia or Jakarta but I hope it will be Malaysia.Wherever it is, I got things to buy on my list.Or things to be done.For Hari Raya purpose.
1. Hightlight my hair. It's weird to see my hair is all black again.It's not black actually.I dunno what to call it but it's not black.You see, if it's black like jennifer connely it would be another story instead it's..ermm..i dunnolah but not pretty.
2.Jeans.Probably CK or A/X or EA. No Guess.Over-price bitch.Ok.I know it's not related to Raya but actually it is, from my point of view.
3.Shoes. Am thinking to buy at pedder red.Probobly strappy or pointed end.Haven't decide yet.Must go for window shopping next week [excited already.haha]
4.Handbag.Just a clutch actually. Nothing fancy.I just want a simple would be nice.hehe.
5.Semayang terawikh. The last time I did semayang terawikh was on er..1997? I knooww.I try my best to complete my semayang terawikh unless if I had to,of course.
6. Tadarus.Will try to do this too.
7.Stop smoking!!! Must!!
I mean, my last ramadhan was kind of sinful.Ehe.Why?
Will tell you guys later.
HAPPY MONDAY!![Hope the caps helps!]
Friday, September 16, 2005
Shine O
Kuantan is a quiet town. Quiet but rather merciless to me. When the clock stroke 9 and when the moon shine, everything seemed to malfunction unless if you reside at home. Going to clubs might be an option except why go to club when there are no friendly faces, when you don't feel the security anymore. Smoke till you choke, pacify yourself but memorizing some physic equation. We had choices but that night I chose to be mesmerized by the colourful tanglung.
It was lantern festival.
Not the contemporary design that I looked for. I always prefer conventional rather than contemporary. The fact that they were made from papers make them glow brighter with a scented candle inside. Giving you the unexplainable feeling.
I hardly ever say this but I will say it today. I have Chinese blood in me. I love everything related to Chinese except bak kut the and it's family. But when people asked, I will answered ..I'm half Javanese and half Mandahiling. With a little sprinkle of Bugis. The Chinese form? It's not that important to know.
That night while everybody buried themselves in biology or even physics books, my housemates and I aligned those multihued art crafts using a wire that we generally use to hang our clothing. I adored my housemate back in Kuantan. That place didn't do us justice but we still have fun together. Dressed up as if we were in LA and spent lazy hours lying in front of the TV, talking craps was a total bliss.
We laughed and admired how dazzling they floated in the middle of that silent night. I sat in front of the door just staring at those lanterns thinking of how things would be 3 years from now, thinking is there another better life than this. As the night went quieter my body got restless and was begging to feel the softness of my mattress. I hung the remaining lanterns from bedroom ceiling, near my bedroom door. When the light was off, there was only dim luminosity embracing the room. Dim but enough to engender shadows on the wall. Before closing my eyes, I remembered seeing my lanterns floated like some magic spheres. Magnificent
It was a hot night. Heat must have waked me up. Was about to get up and head to the kitchen for a glass of water when I realized something. My lanterns. I stared at the shadow reflection on the wall.
There were not only lanterns. There was also a woman.
Not audacious enough to turn around I just kept staring at the shadow. It gave me a reflection of a woman dancing with my lanterns in her hands. Dreaming I thought, must be. But it won't be a dream when you could hear yourself breathing so hard while your other hand pinching your thigh beneath the cover just to make sure you feel the pain. It was painful, I was not dreaming.
She wore a long dress with a baggy end at the arm part that flapped loudly as she danced. I swear I could feel cold breeze every time she flapped her loose arms. Sweat poured like it's 300 degrees inside. I just shut my eyes and prayed.
I must fall asleep with trepidation since I couldn't summon what happen after that. The next thing I know It was already morning.
I never saw that lady again. Until today I still wonder who she was.
One thing for sure, I never touch any lantern anymore, for some unknown reason.
It's lantern festival again..
Wonder where will the lantern lady be this year.
Have a memorable lantern festival and happy weekend.
Thursday, September 15, 2005
I want to love you madly
This was one part of an interesting conversation I had with someone on my YM few weeks ago. I didn't even get his name but his words triggered my interest. On the outset, I loath making conversation with stranger but he's exceptional [along with few more people who I also didn't get their names].
He was telling me that he's going to be a father and how things went that fast when he didn't even realized it. Being a commitment phobic, the word baby never occurred to him before. But he was glad things turned up to be this way. Just because a woman made him realized that he can never live without her.
Intrigued, I asked for more. I mean what were the things that she did that melted his heart?
Sometimes I'm uncertain of my beloved feelings towards me. I on occasion sensed that I stood lower than Gerrard, ESPN or even this cute waitress at Port Klang. His heart is so invincible at times, almost impossible to read.
How to make him want me badly?
Be nice? Checked.
Be tolerate? Checked.
Be patient? Checked.
Be lusty? Checked.
Be caring? Checked.
Be supportive? Checked.
Be supporting Liverpool? Checked.
Be psychotic? Double checked.
Be independent? Recently checked.
Be lovable? Hello,checked.
Be naked? Ehe no, I'm not telling whether it's checked or not.
Don't tell me to be myself because that's the answer if only you want to sign up for Miss World title but yes, I always be myself.[Not that I want to join Miss World].
Really, tell me.. how?
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
What's love..
I am feeling melancholic today. I am missing someone dearly, I wish I can just hug him for a while.
How do you know when you love someone that much? Take it as in fuzzy logic-wise, I mean not binary. How much is that much?
What would you do for the one you love to show them your love? And how do you share your love?
I dunno but to me love is never enough. It's addictive. It's like drinking wine. Wine is dry wine is intoxicating and some can't even endure the aroma but you keep requesting for more. It's like chocolate, you steal a bite, you love it and you desire for the whole bar. It's calorific, yes but even after the whole bar is gone, you will come back for more.
So what is love? The feeling each time his name popped on your phone's screen and how you wish it was him before you even see the screen. Love is the guilty feeling whenever both of you had a fight. The guilt sort of ate you, niggling you terribly till the extent you can't even close your eyes peacefully. The feeling when you're feeling so down but then you feel secured when you heard his calming voice on the other line.
Love is accepting, when you are in love you don't need to pretend to be who you are. You just be you. You just enjoy the best both of you bring in each other. You don't mind to laugh out silly. Your body won't feel the shyness to be in sync with your emotion.
Love is when both of you feel bless laying in each others arm doing nothing. Just talking and enjoy every moment together.
Love is when you feel your night is incomplete without hearing a proper 'goodnight'. And you wonder whether he will be in your dream tonight.
Love to me is..having unexplainable feeling every time I look back from my way to the door, catching his eyes from inside his unmoving car.
I miss him.
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
"Congratulation on your new baby chics, send my warmest congratulation to your hubby.Sorry tak sempat tgk baby you"
Me?Baby? Hoh? Bapak scary.
"Ehe, am not even marriedlah.." My reply to her. She apologized. She alleged that she must mixed me up with someone else..or perhaps she heard rumors that I had a baby recently. Damn. Siapalah rumor mongers ni?
Hello,orang yang nak kawin dengan aku pon takde, camanela? Kalau nak gossip pon biarla berasas ok.
But that was not the first time. Few years ago I was cruising some mall in KL. There was this lady selling colourful balloon. Alah you knowlah, the one yang boleh buat-buat bentuk tu. Hoh, I tell you, one of my favourite things in this world is balloon. Back then during my party years, I always fought with some inebriated ladies for balloons and later tied them up at my kepala katil with ribbons. So the lawa. Anyway, that's not my point. I was so excited when her assistant made me a heart shape balloon with a teddy bear in the middle. When I wanted to pay for the balloon, she opened her mouth
"Why not you grab some of this ballons for your kids. You can learn to make them by some leaflet that will be given along with your purchase. I am sure they'll be happy."
For my kids? Kejila lu aunty. Instead of saying something nasty I just smile politely at her. Actually I was tongue tied. I mean out of so many things to say she said I had kids?Dahla plural pulak tu, kalau singular takpelah jugak. Eceh, blaja grammar la plak.
Honestly..tell melah people.
Adakah aku nampak seperti mak orang?
[tolonglah cakap tak]
Monday, September 12, 2005
Play ball
How was your weekend? Mine was splendid. I dun have any fight with my baby and we had so fun time Even more interesting, we went there for two consecutive days. Amazing huh?
We love sports!duh
I told nicky about it. She went on a pause after few seconds and yelled "WTF? Bitchla kau..Mesti nak tengok mat salleh bogel". Haha. She soo know me.
And spentot couldn't stop laughing, I think he was so amazed how the hell I managed to be there for like two days. Hello, teruk sangat ke aku nih?
To be honest, I dun really knew what's going on, was busy looking at hot bods and hot asses. Ag was so sporting, he alerted me whenever hot asses passed us by. I cool is that..Actually he had to do that to make me stop whining and making my famous sengal face. the end of the day both of us were happy. He was happy coz he got to watch the game and I was happy coz I got to see mat salleh's sexy butts. Nolah, actually I was happy that I got to spent time with him although I dun understand not even a single shit what ag and spentot talked about.But that's not important kan?
One thing for sure, I am getting tanner [as if!] and tanner. The weather was extremely hot. My face looked like some oily fish by the time the game ended. Kalau aku tau aku bawak kipas power puff aku.Ni tak,terpakselah aku suruh ag tiup muka aku sampai dia mencapai tahap sengal. Also met few familiar faces. Even met this guy who used to ask me out during uni years. He was a bit shocked seeing me there.Mesti dia pikir, sejak bila la plak minah ni suke bersukan ni.Biasa pemalas je. Well, I'm surprised myself.
As a matter of fact I was hoping for someone to start a fight. Macam tiba-tiba mamat fiji pegi blasah mamat south afrika ke.Lepas tu team-team diorang suma masuk dan main blasah-blasah.Lepas tu FRU masuk and bla..bla.. Wah..wah mungkin laporan ini akan menjadi lebih interesting since I dunno how to membuat ulasan sebab aku sepatah haram tak tau apa apa pasal rugby. But that didn't happen. Kecewanya chics.
Anyway, I have a question to ask.
Kenapa bola rugbi lonjong?
That's about it. Oh, pictures are here. But I must warn you, it's nothing much related to rugby. Most of the pictures are full of my face.Haha.
Have a nice day bunnies [I wish,hah!].
Saturday, September 10, 2005
Yeay yeay..ayah balik!!
Mom is in Terengganu and will be back soon. She's not pissed anymore about the kantoi incident she even covered all the evidence for me. Thanks mom, you are the most sporting mom I ever know [macamla aku ada emak lain]. Perhaps dad's return made her happy and not care about anything else. And uh, I also had destructed all evidence left. Plastic wrappers, empty ciggie packets, dusted leftover ciggie ashes and changed my bed sheet. Ehe. Even CSI pon takkan bejaya mengantoikan aku. My dad is worst than those CSI people, his past time hobby at home is inspecting my room.
So for this 1 week and half period I have to ermm...behave? I have to, I don't want to give my dad another heart attack.That doesn't mean being a hypocrite, not that kind of behave, just cool all my activities down[aku tulis macam ni rasa macam hidup aku penuh dengan aktiviti yang keji plak, padahal manade.ceh].
Today, am going to join ag and his friends to watch rugby. I knowwww....WTF right? But hey, why not? Takkan asyik nak shopping je kan..bapak bosan.Sekali sekala why not let ag do something he likes,aku bosan tu blakang kirela. But i dun think seeing hunks with to die for bods will make me bored to death.We'll see lah how eh?
Ok. Got to have my lunch.
You guys take care.
Friday, September 09, 2005
Tag me..wag me
20 Years Ago.
There was this girl. She was very well behaved but was so skinny, because she loathed vegetables so much. The girl was me. My mum wanted the best for me, I was banned from eating junk food. Kam kam, cheekedis or ding dang, I can just forget about them. I was not allowed to play with dolls, only educational toys were permissible.
My mom would drop me and my bro at this house during working hours. I addressed the lady who took care of us 'mak'. Until today I still come and see her and she still refers me as 'anak emak' :) .
Got my first piercing which later came up to 15 piercing all over the body.
Watched porn for the first time. I tailed my youngest aunty to her cousin's house. I thought they wanted to play masak-masak. Naive but curious, I watched along.
Ternoda aku.
10 years ago.
Was 15 and was being sent away from home. Oh, but my schooling days were superb. Most of the time spent for sleeping at dorm during prep hours or enjoying lazy days courtesy of skipping classes.
There was this time when me and my partner in crime Nicky, decided to skip Japanese class and lepak at a favourite spot nearby blok pentadbiran toilet. We were happily singing at the same time as finishing our KH project when the most dreaded penolong kanan gave us her bloodcurdling grin. She then positioned two tables in front of the toilet and made us sit there for the whole day, just like makcik penjaga toilet. Every girl who passed by will either laughed or snickered. Not only that, she scribbled our name in capital letter on her personal white board.
My PMR trial sucks. Soleque made me stand on my chair for the whole period because I get D for the subject. He even told me to enjoy the view because he was so damn sure I won't be coming back next year.
I proved him wrong.
I got straight A's.
5 yrs ago.
My final asasi years in Kuantan. I despised that place and I guess that place despised me too. Spent the first day inside HEM room just because he caught me holding hand with my ex.Holding hands?WTF?The only thing that made me contented was my ex and GSC cinema. Only paid RM 3.50 for a movie using my student ID. Best gile ok
Pierced my nose and dyed my hair red. I was 36 kg with cool housemates who smoked like chimneys and watched porn during free time.
Most of lecturers over there gave me a hard time [ or issit the other way around?] especially my calculus lecturer. She loved asking me to crack some simple summation on the board while my ex was asked to solve the most intricate questions. Almost all the time I failed to get it right and it's the other way around with my ex. Oh, you should see her smile.
The only two lecturers that I like were my two physic lecturers. They always came up to me while I was studying in the library [ha!] for a chit chat and gave me spotted questions. Hehe.
3 years ago.
My third year at UM. I didn't know much about what's happening inside the classroom. My interest were more into dating and partying.
Most of the time was spent for shopping and clubbing.
Always ended wasted and tried my best to remember what happen the night before.
Still with my ex. One year after that our 6 years relationship ended
I was the one to be blame.
Last year.
Broken hearted by a guy from Kg. Binjai. I nearly lost my mind. I don't eat, I don't go out, I don't go to work, I just stay in my bed and cried, I was a moron. I was in a very bad shape that gave my dad a heart attack. He was rushed to ICU. Was so scared, the only person who was there for me was Spentot. Thanks man. I owed you one.
Thank God we broke off or else you have to call me Puan Chics and oh, what was I thinking. *choke*
I dumped him but..
No. I can never forgive him..
Promised my self that I would never fall in love again [yeah,right].
This year
Date a wonderful guy on the first day of New Year. One thing leads to another.
He taught me to be independent, selfless and he taught me to appreciate lots of things in life. I love him.
Changed my number and changed my job, twice. Actually I wanted to change everything especially I want to change the fact that I'm short.*sigh*
Next year
Will be all alone with no more bitching buddies. Most of my close friends are getting married. Right now they are thinking of what to buy for hantaran and what colour should they choose as their wedding theme. Must make sure that my face will be all over their wedding pictures.Haha. I will be 26 with no vision of life. [Shite. I will turn 26].
On the serious side. Leading a healthy life. Eating well to gain more weight. But not at my butt [please God, gain more weight at my chest,hehe]. Have a good complexion with glowing skin. Less hostile to strangers and pray 5 times a day [wohoo]
Still stick with the same man and love him all the same.
Still write craps on this blog.
10 years from now
Fuck, I'm old. Who came out with this thingy again?
Still with the same man, married or not, I don't give a fuck [ok, I lied]. Have 2 cats that purr all the times. Completely at ease with my life, no more suicidal tendencies. Maintain good relationship with my parents, will love them more, in fact.
Have more shoes and handbags. Will try not to make sour face on donating my old shoes/bags/clothing.
Write and publish my own book.
Teach my friends children to call me aunty not mak cik.
Be an astronaut.
Open a strip club.
Burn kg.binjai
Ok, these 3 thing are all lies.
Hoh. Done, now I'm passing this to ag, kuman and spentot.
You guys have a blast weekend ,ok?
Thursday, September 08, 2005
Been smoking in my room and throw the buds outside my bedroom window, I figure out no body will know but heh, how stupid could I be?
Actually, I was thinking to quit like today. No kidding. I've been having headache after my ciggie session and I was thinking yeah, I should quit. My compexion is getting worst, I had sore throat and my skin is looking more dead than ever. So I told my self last night, this is the last one.
But this morning..
"I know what you have been doing. You smoke, and that is the most thing that I despice in young women.." and yadda..yadda..
I know that I was wrong. But I couldn't help it, I just..need some escapism to all problems that I have. The last thing I want to face a dreadful working morning is a long lecture of my mom. To make thing worst,last night I went out with spentot which ehe..made my mom more mad. She was saying I should not throw my self to every guy I met. I mean..hello, we are just friends! Not more than that..Did she know that guys and girls can be like close friends?
I never throw my self to every guy, if she really know me.
The first thing I did after getting out from the car was..buying a new pack of ciggie at the nearest saundry.
I feel bad. I do but..ahhh..nevermind. Shall think about it later.
But I promise I will stop.
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
Meat..Fresh meat..Bloody fresh meat please..
Tick tock, tick tock. Finally it's lunch time. Opened the polystyrene case. Oh, it didn't look that bad. Tasted the goose. Yeah, not bad at all. And oooh, my eyes came across the rendang ayam.I looove rendang, especially rendang minang prepared by my grandma on every Hari Raya.
Spooned a small portion of that rendang ayam into my mouth. It tasted..weird. No. It tasted horrible. Somehow it reminds me of my cat's food. It's like..Just take a handful of Iams/Royal Canin/Frieskies/Whiskers and throw them into a saucepan of rendang sauce. Not that I eat my cat's food but sometimes you can imagine the taste just by smelling it. Like, I can imagine how horrible cockroaches would taste just because they stink big time[make sense tak?]. I dunno about you guys, But I have this gift[haha].
Only managed to finish quarter of the meal, the rest I let the dustbin handle it. Even that didn't stop me from feeling sick. So, trying not to be sick anymore, I did what I do the best, puke. It's been a while since I throw up after consuming food but it happened again yesterday. Not only that, usually I would avoid taking fruits right after meal coz that would cause frequent visit to the toilet.
Tapi semalam..Nak berak pon berakla..janji muluat aku takde rasa frieskies.
The headache lasted the whole day even I tried to pig my self with lots of stuff.
The next time my colleague opt for vegetarian food, I'll pass.
Pondan pon pondanla..
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
Chics interrupt
When I got back, got a voice message from a good friend of mine, Mr.Saiful Jumaat yang bekerja di GITN [ he's still single ok, you want his number?Give me a call..hehe]. Sorryla spentot I left my phone at home, nanti kita kluar melepak ok. If ag is free maybe we could have drinks together and you guys can talk about rugby while I make that face. Eheh
Anyway, Nicky slept at my house and my mom was glad coz nicky always amuse her by listening to her talkings. Watched girl interrupt together-gether. Sungguh interrupt aku dengan cerita itu. I mean, hell, they get to smoke and talk craps there and nobody bothers. There's this girl who had been there because I think she got some issue with her weight. She was skinny but she thought she is not skinny enough. And there's another girl who thought killing herself is the best solution. My,my my. Itu macam aku je tu.
Hmm..Maybe I can slim down to 30 or 25 kg and yell at my doctor saying "I'm not thin enough!! You doctors are just bunch or crazy liars!!" Do you think that will work?
Anyway I told my mom.
Me: I wish they have this kind of think here. I think I need a therapy like that.
Mom: *Membulatkan mata sambil berhenti melipat kain* Awak sakit jiwa ke?
Me: Kita rasalah mak.
Mom: Heh, tak payah pegi terapi-terapi ni de..Ubat die sembahyang, zikir..Ni tak huha sana huha sini.Memangla sakit jiwa.
Me: *owchh*
Berbisa sungguh kata-kata mu emak..
Yet true.
Yelah, kita dah insafla ni..
Monday, September 05, 2005
Roar lady dragon..roar
The following day, a girl gave me a call saying that my sim card was not ready and requested me collect it on Friday instead. Fine.
I was on mc the next day with 2 cents prepaid balance left. Forced my self to drive to that store coz I really need to use my phone to hear soothing words from ag [hohoh]. But when I reached there, the girl came up to me and said " Ala kak, tak siap lagilah.Besoklah kakak datang" Please take note that I was on medication that made me one cranky lady.
"Hello, you said I can collect it today and now you tell me to collect it tomorrow? What kind of business is this again?" Ehe. That's me. I know,you don't have to say anything.
The boss heard me and asked his assistant what the hell was going on. So she explained that the designated guy who supposed to pick up the sim card didn't go to pick it up simply because hari jumaat ramai orang [ and that time he was playing 3G games on his mobile phone]. Hoh, I was so incensed that I swear my face really look like one crazy female dragon [yes, smokes came out from my nose since I'm having fever and runny nose].Well, the boss asked me to hang around for about 1 hour while he forced the stupid malay-pemalas guy to return with my sim card. I know that I'm not suppose to say this but I will. I hate malays who are lazy. Tolonglah. I hate to hear my own race whine saying the world is being unfair to them by giving wealth to other races or condemning those malays who are rich get to have a happy life simply because they take bribery while these whiners just sit on their fat butts doing nothing. I simply hate this kind of people.
Anyway, I decided to go for a window shopping at SACC instead of waiting at that shop. Did I say window shopping? Ok, blame it on that guy and my fever but I ended up with loads of paper bags of makeup, tops, and books. I'm sorry but I need to cheer my self up and the make-ups were really cheap. Never heard of the brand. But what the heck,if they don't look nice at me I can just chuck them and buy my usual things.
In the bookstore something weird happen. As I was walking to the entrance, the cashier quoted my name. Chics. I was startled. Stared at her. She was saying something to me but it's like..I can see her lips moving but I can't hear her voice. Tried to recall who she was. Failed. I swear I didn't know her. Who call me chics in Shah Alam anyway?.Freaked out,paid for my books, I walked away. If that lady happened to read this, I'm sorry,that day was just not a good day and yeah, hi,nice meeting you.
At last after an hour, I get back to that store. And guess what the boss said to me.
"We have your sim card, but since we fetched it quite late, it only can be activate tomorrow. So can you come tomorrow instead?"
After 1 hour loitering around you tell me that?
Can you call me on my mobile instead?
You pissed me off man!!
Me-naga-nya aku!
Saturday, September 03, 2005
Please stay with me..forever.
Ag: Hey, badan you panaslah. You kene minum banyak- banyak 100 plus.Ada minum ke tak?*kissing my forehead*
Me:[Flattered by his concern] Dah minum.I dah habiskan semua termasuk 100 plus honey star, hehe.
Ag: Honey star sakit lagi ke?Hmm..Yelah dia pon dah tua.
Me: Hey, I tak suka denga you cakap macam tu. I dun want to admit that..I tak nak dia mati. Nanti I sedih.*frown*
Ag: Baby, dying is just a circle of life.. Everybody have to face that..
I know that..
But I just don't want to admit it.
I hate to think that I might lose him one day..
Friday, September 02, 2005
Mooncake shine me
Totally love mooncake especially the one with lotus paste but yeah I can eat the pandan too or even the jelly. Had to drive to 14 from work yesterday to buy them from baker's cottage.But I tell youlah, they have dome at 14 now.So the tak aci.. Why issit when my the time I used to work there, they had no dome? If not, surely me and paige's face will be the regular customer. Tsk.
So what I like about mooncake?I dunno maybe the texture, even the one with yolk tasted like telur asin but I still love it. Actually I love Chinese cuisine. Still remember the time Pauline brought me to uptown to borong loreal cosmetics and we had chee cheong fan.Ha, I know it's supposed to be non halal but Pauline dengan poyo cakap halal plus there are other muslims eating so aku pon blasah je la.And ohhh.. I love curry laksa and fui yui chicken..Drooling...drooling.
Hm..Tell me.. which Chinese cuisine do you like. Tapi lelaki cina yang kiut tak kire okeh?
To think of it again kan..Actually nothing beats the taste of nasik putih panas, ayamg goreng and budu[letak extra cili padi]
Thursday, September 01, 2005
Around 12 I heard fireworks erupted and loads of smses flooding my phone but i can't managed to picked it up.Was thinking..whateverlahhhh...
Luckily ag was quite early to fetch me, since my mom and bro were not at the house so I had to drag ag along to the clinic.
I have nothing against doctor, really but I dun fancy them that much because they tend to give me nasty medicine but not this doctor. First, I love her sense of fashion,her diomand earing nearly blinded me.Second she asked me what kind of medication I prefer.I told her no logenzes coz their's were so nasty and taste like shit and third I don't want antibiotic [haha].
She said, yes..she could skip the antibiotics but I have to bear having a swollen neck since my tonsils are big.It's either skip antibiotic or swollen neck.If you know me that well, you should know which one I chose. She also gave me ventolin which really will make me one cranky lady.
Dr:I gave you ventolin ok?
Me:Urmm..Ok but I will be cranky..and probobly my bf will be the main target today.
Dr: Poor guy.Nevermind I gave you 2 mg, dosage for kids.Even better you will feel slightly high.Like..uhh..uh..drug high.Dun worry.You'll love it.
Me: Eh?Hhehe
Dr:Do I have to give you MC?
Me: Nolah, am not working today.Who does anyway?
Dr: Hello, what about me?*Rolled eyes*