Monday, July 05, 2004

Diet vs seafood

Went for dinner last night at a seafood restauran.Habis program diet aku.i ended finishing up everything..until my stomach get so full.

Yg tak bestnye..I forgot that i ate the pagi ni..spent more than 30 mins inside the toilet..huhuhuh..and skang..perut gua rasa kosong, sial..tsk..tsk..

Ape lagi nak cite..Oh..I think i have fallen in love again..This time with zahid akademi fantasia..poyo tak..poyo tak aku??

When i told my friends about this new discovery they all looked at me and said

"Kau mmg suke org mcm ni..sah2la kau suke die..muke die mcm kuyam"

and i was like..err??

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