This is one of the picture on our short vacation to Pulau Kapas. The gurl in the orange t-shirt is nik (this is especially meant for Harris..hehe). I am fat..that's my first thought..Look at my taufu fah( bak kata shehani).And my skin is horrible..and my face is ..tembamm!!
I used to be at ease and feel comfortable with my self until yesterday, while having dinner at showru with yamyam and friends, we stumbled upon a gurl who was yamyam's fling and for the first time..for the first time i felt insecure.Demmit..Aku tak penah mcm ni.She was..stylo and i was sloppy and fat and ordinary??..*wail*..yeah, i'm vain..i know..u dun have to tell me.
So..Today i told my self..That's's going to end..These are the things that i will do(perhaps)
1.Get myself registered with a gym and make use of it.
2.Cut off cigaretes
3.Drink more water
4.Buy whatever beauty product
5.Cut my hair
8. Please suggest anything..
Ye..mari kita saksikan chics yg baru...
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