Monday, January 12, 2004


I have a bestfriend of 11 years.She is the first person who i commited a crime in school we became Partner In Crime.To me she is gorgeous, beautiful and funny.Not forgetting that she has her own intelligent and wits that can dazzle people within seconds.4 years back she fall in love with a guy..A guy that she thought would be the Mr.Right for her.I still remember how happy she was and i were happy for her too.At that time i was far far away from here coz i was doing my asasi sains in Kuantan and she was in KL.

Few months later she told me they broke up,he dumped her.Fine.For me it's a normal thing.But then she started to change to someone i barely knew.She became upset,obsessed about her body(although i tot it was perfect) and she try to avoid people even us her friend who knew her before we knew what does love bites means...she is totally a different person..I then spoke to her and finally knew what's bugging her mind.

That bastard who used to date her told every detail to everybody what they did..intimate and non intimate..and he twisted the story to his version to make him look like a hero.He even mentioned that she's fat!!(bodohnye kau ni..bodoh and buta)So now everybody who knew her start to talk bad things behind her back.The worst thing was..that time all my ex-schoolmate bought that story and start to avoid her.Imagine, you just broke up with a person u love and now everybody is sneering at u and u've got no one to turn to.To much for a fresh turned-up-18years-old girl to handle.Plus,after he dumped her ..that bastard when for my other friend which suprised me since she's well known for her goody-goody attitude.Amazingly they still last until now..oh..well..not that i hope they broke up or just that..hump..

It's been 4 years now..and my friend is falling in love again..I am so very very happy for her but then..she still can't put the past behind her..she is still afraid..she still have those ugly images inside her head..and the guy she fall in love with is also a friend of that bastard.For all the sudden i feel's unfair..she is a nice gurl and she's not supposed to be treated this way..Anyway i hope the new guy will understand and see how special my friend is(coz she is!)and he could think for himself..that it was that 'jongang' bastard who should be slay..

If u fell in love with somebody and do whatever-u-do-with ur-partner and then broke matter what the reason is..everything intimate should be keep as a secret..or maybe as memories and not as a story to be told to everyone no matter how hurt u are.Learn to have respect for people and for the people who u used to love and love u.It's like a betraying to love.It make u a bitch no matter what gender u are.Male or female..Absolutely no exception!

Oh my..For the peast few days i keep talking about love.why for all the sudden i sounded like Dr.Love??Corny...

+and i thought i'm the only bitch+

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