Wednesday, January 28, 2004


Yam2 didn't came to see me last night coz his parents were in KL and i thought i'll be bored to death maybe will continue my addiction with playing the sims but then Tina smsed me saying nikkit want to have dinner with all of us.We had dinner at uptown..As usual,i dunno the route,puas kene kutuk dgn ina and tina dalam kete..but then despite the hazardous way of driving we reached uptown safe and sound..there,chatting and laughing all the's good to get together like this once in a while..Get free from ur boyfriends and talk about gossips and girl thingy..Ehem..but i should say,i sort of feel sad about nikkit going abroad to Australia this very 7th..I dunno why..maybe becuase she always had became the mistermind..probobly we won't have much fun anymore but i hope the sisterhood bond will always continue..

Arhhhgg..i hate wednesday despite that the saying everybody hate monday.I love monday!!On Wednesday i have tonnes of classes with double period which never fail to bore me.And today..there will be a prolog's lab assessment ..again..huh...i have to be tough and hang on..i wish friday will come more faster..Humm..Tapi takpe,i'll be catching a movie later this evening.That if my boyfriend didn't forget to turn up early...

and i am having a bad hair day today despite the early waking to wash my hair.I hate it!How could on earth ur hairstylist do ur hair so well?I mean after getting a haircut or a simple wash ur hair will look so..dazzling..and when i wash my hair,myself,my hair looks like shit..urghhh..It's not that i'm trying to impress anyone at's just that..nevermind..i know..i know..i'm getting cranky.

Uh,ada blood donation campaign which i never take part since the nurse said i'm underweight(what??i'm getting chunkier everyday,ok?) and i'm kinda lacks in red blood cell..ehe..not that i'm too brave with the needlee too.:P

Exam dah dekat but i know nothing..not a shit about what's going on in my classroom..God..kill me now..

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