Saturday, February 02, 2008

Over eat


I woke up several time in the middle of the night to puke. Please don't get funny idea ok, it was not because of I am carrying human in me[eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee] but it was because simply I over eat.

I cooked nasi lemak.
Tina brought honey chicken wings to be barbequed
And she also brought mash potato
Fadzi brought marinated lamb to be barbequed
Nik brought coleslaw.

I ate all of them like I never see so much food before [as if!] , forgetting that I hadn't eat like that for months. Forgetting that my system probably could not take it.

True enough.

I was alone last night, the bedmate had to spent the night somewhere else. Initially I had a dream, that something inside my tummy is screaming and in my dream I was thinking, what a stupid dream it was. But soon after I woke up feeling that something wanted to come out from my system and I feel so sick.

I vomitted and err berak for couples of time. I thought it was food poisoning. Being spoil and mengada I reached the phone . It was only two that time, he left at twelve made me so tak sampai hati to ask him to come back here.

So I was told to take two panadols which were bought especially for me sebab aku selalulah sakitlah, peninglah itulah inilah. Being aku yang degil and pemalas to turn bawah to get a glass of water I pretended that I didn't hear it. I mean, surely food poisoning could not be cured just by taking panadols. Until, I could not take the vomiting and beraking anymore, I forced my self to get a glass of water and gulp the panadol.

Few minutes after that, I felt my heart pounded like it could leap out anytime. Sangat kuat. Was so scared ok, janganla aku mati dulu [aku even sempat ngucap bleh?]. Strangely, the sakit feeling was gone. By that time I realised, it was not food poisoning, it was me who eat a lot. Padan muka aku, penamak! Soon after, I finally get my peace full sleep.

At a different place, someone else couldn't sleep because he was worried. He stayed up and waited by his phone for any call asking him to return. Kasihannnnn

Tapi kalau aku dah tido, ingat aku nak ingat orang lain ke?

Kem salam.

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