Monday, July 30, 2007

Batak Mandailing

Hectic day. I had to wake up early to drive back to hulu langat. Yana's wedding ceremony again but this time on the groom's side. Thank God aku tak payah jadik bunga telur girl lagi.

Speaking of bunga telur, I remember one incident during the wedding [on our side] three weeks ago. I was told by my emak who was the manager of the day on what to give and what not to give. Like to women, you are suppose to give the red ones while the man should receive the egg in cute basket.And only kinds will receive sweets. The sweets are limited sebab tak tahula pulak bekas gula-gula tu tah pegi mana tah. So memanglah tidak boleh kasik extra dekat orang.

So I was doing my job when I approached a family. Well, ok they are my relatives but ehe I don't think they know who the hell I am sebab aku malas balik kampung and also I don't really favour to bermesra-mesra with my relatives, unless my immediatelah. I have my own reasons ok.

Sigh. These people from my mom side are sort of poyo to me sebab kunun-kunun ala-ala anak wakil rakyat dan orang ternama dan semua orang kena mencium bontot mereka. Ok whateverlah but the previous phrase might explain what will happen next. So as I bagi the telur, the guy asked for the sweets for him.

He: Can I have the sweets for me instead of telur?
Me: Uncle, sweets untuk budak-budak je.
He: No, I want the sweet.
Me: Bukan apa uncle, tak cukup nanti.
He: But I prefer the sweets.

Aku kalau orang macam ni pegi mati kaulah. So I just smile as sweetly as I can dan buat bangang. Then he suddenly bangun and said.

He: Macam ni ye, saya nak gula-gula ni, bukan telur.

He spoke as if I am a retard and dengan garangnya mengambil gula-gula dalam bakul aku.

Tsk. Ok, I also don't know kenapa aku tanak bagi but I think it's unfair since all of his kids dah dapat and give the sweets to other kidslah. Kalau kau nak jugak pegila beli. I am just doing my joblah bodoh.

Tapi yang paling aku benci sekali, apa hal kau nak speaking-speaking dekat hulu langat ni hah? Ada david beckham ke dekat sini? Kau ingat kau speaking kau bagusla sangat? Macamlah aku tak tahu kau keturunan batak yang semasa muda bercakap minang. And I am so offended when he decided to talk malay dengan eksyennye as if aku tak faham english [setelah aku mengabaikannya]. Maybe he though I was a high school drop out yang hingusan yang tak faham apa dia cakap.

God. I really hate this type of people.

So, you think only those who speaks english and pakai ala-ala korporat umpama pakai tie dalam kepanasan adalah distinguish and adalah baru layak to earn your respect?

To me, kau tak payah poyolah nak pakai tie ke, kereta besar ke, cakap spanish ke if you want to appear as someone big. I mean, oklah if you have it siapa tak suke kan tapi perlu ke nak poyoo?

Dan tak perlulah nak jeles dengan orang if they mampu ok? Dan selepas itu mengeluarkan statement yang entah hape-hape.

Anyway, I just ignored that pakcik for the rest of the day but I told my mum about it. Ehe, according to my mum,what he did, is not something new.

Haih, kenapalah aku ade sedara berdarah batak ni. Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

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