Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Exam mode la

Today is my first paper.

How was the paper yew asked?

Princess and the pea kah?

It give me a bruise on one of my finger sebab aku tekan pen kuat sangat.

Yelah menjawab penuh semangatla konon.

Tell me again why do we have to answer some shitty questions within few hours just to prove that we are smart? I just don't get it.

On the other hand..

While I was dying trying to absorb everything today, epy called me saying she saw nikit eating at the so-famous berjaya restaurant. She said nikkit looked as pretty as she is in the picture I put on this blog.

Two people who I love, nikkit and epy!

Now I haven't see the teteks for almost a month due to my busy-little-bunny-ness. Pick up the phone and called her. The moment I heard her voice yelling "sayang" at the other line, air mata aku bergenang.


Lama gila tidak duduk sambil mengsampoernakan diri dan bercakap karut sambil ketawa-ketawa. I missed lots of things such as pemergian fadzi ke bandung and nikkit holiday to some pulau.

:( .

And after that I called nik, ini lagi lama tak jumpa ok. Told her something and ehehe both of us cry.

Bongok tak bongok skang?

Bongok aku tau but somehow aku tau dalam dunia ni, hanya ada beberapa orang sahaja who I really really really trust and most of them were the one who grew up with me.

They are just like tetek, as a woman, without tetek, your life would be..incomplete.

Best tak perumpamaan aku? Hehe

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