Sunday, February 25, 2007

Stressing me out

It's sunday and I'm awake as early as 9.45 a.m. Hello, it's not common for me ok because I enjoy tido yang panjang. Dah bangun pon tido lagi, paksa jugak sebab malas bangun. Hehe

Lately my sleeps were unpleasant and it was filled with mimpi yang bukan-bukan. For instance, last night I dreamt of err..can't recall but it got something to do with bitchinesslah. And few days ago I dreamt of being on the same motorbike with Phil Stacey in Bali and bumped into one of my exes there. Oh, you should see how I waved frantically at him. Haha

And even when I shut my eyes, my brain still work, thinking of the things that I left behind and what I should do when I wake up. Studying is never this stressing ok. Masa degree aku tak pikir apa pun kecuali dimanakah hendak memwasted malam ini dan yang paling kronik, baju apa nak pakai. Assignment ke tutorial ke, lain cerita. But now, I havebecome so poyo talking about me being menggelupur tak siap assignment macamla aku sorang je belajar tapi no shit, sometimes aku memang rasa stress. Macam taik.

Some people say, I think too much and plan too much. I think it's true.But no matter how I tried to calm myself, aku selalunya gagal. Contohnya hari ini aku perasan one of my keyboard's alpahabets is getting faded and it's ugly.

Just as simple as that, gua stress.

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