Monday, November 06, 2006


How was your weekend my lovely bunnies? My weekend was spent with 2 favourite person non other than nikkit and tina. Sleep over at nikkit's was always fun.Banyak makan dan banyak mngarut but I like. If you can sleep with nikkit then you will understand. Hehe

So anyway bunnies, I am in the midst of packing [tak start pon lagi sebenanye. haha] because I will be out of town tomorrow onwards and will only be back next week.

Holiday on Monday. what more could you ask? Ahhhhhhhhhhh.

So any lepaking, minum-minuming or whatever-ing shall be continued next week. Will try to blog .Itu pon kalau ade masela. Maklumlah pegi bersuka-suka mana nak ada masa duduk depan pc, lain lah kalau orang yang kene pegi keje ye tak? Bayangkanlah, mana nak makan sedap-sedap lagi, nak golek-golek kemalasan lagi.Hehe.

Ok. Enuff of crapping. I need to pack now and sleep so I will not miss my flight and make sure my handbags and shoes are brought a long. Adalah mencacat jika tertinggal sandal ataupon beg yang kiut [dan seharusnya penting!].


Oh..Oh before I forget. Happy working and happy examing especially to miss elene. hehe

Mwah. Mwah. Mwah. Mwah. Mwah. Mwah. Mwah --> One week stock.

Updated [2:08 am]

I am half way packing when I realised that one bag is not enough. Dah penuh dah bag tapi hair dryer [i only trust my hairdyer, tq], kasut, mekap, hand bag, facial product tak muat. Itupon I have limit only one jeans shall be brought along and ermm..only like ermm.. 25 tops will be brought along. Macamana ni? Takkan nak bawak 2 bag? Bukannye pegi jauh pon.

Do I have to like carry another hand luggage coz I already got one. Orrr.. Ahh If I bought two bags just to go..kalau balik nanti adakah 3 bag?

Dan yang paling penting, siapakah yang hendak mebawakkan beg yang banyak itu?


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