Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Lagu Raya


I didn't realise that we are moving fast towards raya until my brother started to tell me that he wanted to go to jalan TAR. Oh, I love jalan TAR during puasa time but it is too crowded for me. Kalau aku pegi, komfirm aku menjerit-jerit tengah jalan [tapi aku rasa aku akan pegi.haha]

Anyway, another indicator that raya is coming is when u heard lagu raya everywhere.I love lagu raya but only the old ones except a few which are m.nasir stau hari di hari raya and mamat-ku mohon ke ape ke tajuknye tu. Yang lain-lain macam hampas ok.

But, my favourite is dendang perantau and a song from sudirman. Nasib baik aku sengal tak dapat blaja oversea, kalau tak komfem meraung bila denga lagu itu.

So. What is your feveret lagu raya? And why?
Kamon aku tau korang semua sengalllll.

Anyway, saya tujukan lagu ini kepada bas di sweden, fahimi di sudan, umi di UK, yah juga di UK dengan ucapan "Tak apa balik nanti boleh minum air tebu puas-puas".

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