I changed my normal place to bind my papers and to photocopy although the workers were extremely pleasant and they did their job skillfully. They even carried my heavy papers to the car until one of them asked me out.
"Tunggu saya beli makanan sama-sama. Jom buka puasa sama-sama?"
What? That was so awkward. Can people just be nice and not get this kind of things?
So yesterday I went to the other shop instead where a man aged late 40's to his 50's took my papers where he agreed to bind them for me. I think he's an Indonesian, from the way he spoke. Sure I said, even the fact that I had to repeat what I want few times.
Since my class was having a pot luck, I paced up to the nearest pasar ramadhan only to find nothing really called my name. Oh, I ended buying murtabak johor from pasar ramadhan at the stadium.
With eggs, diced meat and onion on top.Anyway, after not succeeding in finding anything to buy at sec 2, I went back to get my papers only to find another worker, a girl approached me after she talked to the old man. The old man looked at me but then avoided making any eye contact .
Girl: Kak, kerjanya sudah silap tebuk.
Me: Ha?
Girl: Sudah ditebuk terbalik *showing me my paperwork where the holes were being punched at the right side instead of the left side.
Me: Habis tu macamana sekarang? Takkan saya nak print balik? Tebal ni. *Thunderstorm is coming.
Girl: Err.. Saya potong ajalah bahagian yang salah tu.Boleh?
Me: Kalau tak boleh pon, saya kena jugakkan?
The girl said nothing and took away my paperwork. Hell, cacatlah kerja ku! I mean, knowing me of course I will go ballistic but when I saw the old man face yang terkulat-kulat, I suddenly felt sorry for him. He must be feeling so scared at this moment. I could see that he's trying to look busy when actually he's doing nothing, organizing papers which were obviously neatly arranged. I mean, he must be someone's dad and someone's parent.
Out of no where I thought about my mum. I wouldn't want anyone to menaga to my mum and make her feel so guilty and scared. I mean, he might be tired and can't focus and he's old so..yeah.
But one thing I don't understand, how could you let your parents work when they obviously need to enjoy the rest of their life . Yet, everyone have their own side of story.
The girl insisted to give me discount but gua tak sampai hati la pulak babe. Mesti nanti gaji pacik tu kene tolak or something like that so I paid the full price even though ehe my paperwork was senget benget [which aku tak sanggup nak tengok lama-lama].
I was sad. Because my paper work was ugly and I hateeeeeeeeeeee to see my kerja macam celake and I was sad sebab aku dah termarah pakcik itu.
But I was sad no more after I saw this.. at stadium
sweet loveMade in kg melayu majidee, jb [atleast that's what I've been told]. Tidakkah dia tahu aku sudah berputus asa? So, how does it taste like? Like the real air kathira, except no selasih but that's good enough. Lepas ni nak beli yang storebi pulak. Haha
And my kind lecture bake this for us.
juicyAt the end of the day I felt happier.
The question is.. Will I go back to the same place to bind my remaining papers? I don't think so. I don't think I can look at the man's face coz even thinking of him make me feel guilty and ehe, I don't think I want my papers disalah tebuk lagi. Tidak.
So, will go back to the usual kedai and will tell the guy who asked me out that I can't berbuka with him coz I want to berbuka with my husband and my kid.
Korang rasa dia percaya tak?