Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Annoy me!

I easily get turn off and annoyed nowadays. Now, there's two categories of people who I put in my annoying list. The first group are those think they are sweet and romantic and heroic but actually they are just buggers who didn't know they annoyed me [but later they knowlah after my tongue begin to click.hehe] and second are those who annoy me on purpose just because they find it amusing. Actually it is not they, it's only him. One person.

He started like the rest, ask me what's my name..where do I live, what do I do for a living..bla..bla..boring..boring..boring..ya..ya..yaa..and yeah, I treated him like the rest. The next day he begin to annoy me in other way, not by asking my details but by saying things that lit up the fiery in me.

He: Baik you layan I, nama I ada [some gelaran].
Me: So? You think I care? Tak penting ok
He: Ye ke?Jangan benci sangat, nanti ntah-ntah nama anak you ada [nama gelaran]
Me: WTF?

Annoying but yeah, that I can take coz apalah sangat lawak ali setan tu kan.Anyway, he gets annoying as the day pass by until he reached the sensitive part.

He: Jom dinner. Makan chillis nak?
Me: I like chillis.
He: Ke you nak makan lain? Sebut jela, semua boleh
Me: I like Italian.
He: Italian pon ok. I can afford anything So, jadi ye chillis malam ni.
Me: Huh?
He:You should go out with me, I'm good looking.

Obviously, he's just fucking wants to annoy me. It's like aku ni perempuan keji, makan nak memilih semua nak memilih so kenela umpan tempat best-best [tapi aku memang suka makan tempat best best.haha]. And kalau kau hensem kenapalaaaaaaaaaaaaaa? And me, I would say yes but will say no the next day and say yes the next next day and it continues..just to annoys him back. Hoh, But, the best thing is, when I began to reach my boiling point, he would bid farewell politely. Siap dengan take care tu. Tak sempat aku nak maki die dah blah. Which left me with the tak puas hati feeling. So, that's explains why I still talk to him when he say hello on ym the next day. Aku mesti mengeji dirinya itu!

Plus, I like the way he shield himself whenever I bombarded him with tricky questions. And I like the way he wrote his answer short and simple when actually he's not answering to my questions at all. And I like the way when he tried to act cold when I started to get warm. He reminds me of someone I know. Which is me. Hehe. It's like there's a cloud of mystery behind him that made him want to hide, not letting me know who he really is, not like the rest. It's like he had a bad history and he's shielding himself for the sake of..not wanting to get hurt maybe?

But yeah, I even wrote about him once in one of my entry and he was quite pissed off. Hoho. Tapi kali ni aku tau dia tak piss off sebab asyik-asyik tanya bila aku nak tulis.Ceh.

I dunno exactly when us one of us surrender playing the game and decided to be nice to each other. I think it's him who finally announced that he will be nice and yeah, after that I raise my white flag too.

He is nicer these days especially on the phone, way more nicer and he even laughed which washed away my perception of him as a dead stick . You see even we seek truce, he's still refuse to talk that much and only answer me with " haa", "ok", "yeah", "----s.i.l.e.n.ce----" . Well, I dun mind actually coz I was sort of "trained" to talk to person with those reactions. Tapi bila aku cakap kalau bosan letakla telefon, tanak pulak..nak cakap lagi. Heh.

Namun, didalam kebaikan itu, he's still continue being sarcastic. Like last few days, he keep quiet even after I talked so much [macam biasa.haha]

Me: Ey, kalau u nak buat keje lain pegila.
He: No, it's ok.
Me: Habis tu jangalah senyap, cakapla.
He: I'm saving my voice for something more important.


Despite that, I know I would talk to him again tonight. Sheesh.

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