Monday, January 31, 2005

Letting Go

Ahhh..Monday.Happy monday[ha!].Ok, I'm trying to be positive coz obviously today will be another bad day since ag is on leave for the whole week, meaning I can't makan gaji buta chatting with him on YM and I have tonnes of works waiting for me.See, that's why they created Starbucks and the yummy hot choc..To cure monday blues.Haha.

Anyway,something amazing happen last night.I hate mamak food to the max, but last night..I gobbled 2 roti tampal.I dunno why tapi sedap gila ok.Korang, aku makan mamak.hahaha..Tak percaya sial.There must be something wrong with me.

I wanted to ask you guys something.Why issit that some guy is so lembab and have issues with themself that stopping them from going for the girl that they like?I mean, they just pretend that they are not interested with that girl even they know that the girl likes them so fucking much but..when there is a third person who suddenly pay extra attention to that girl,the first guy starts to menggelupur.My question is..why that time baru dia nak sedar yang he likes the girl?Kenapa mesti nak tunggu orang lain minat baru kau nak take action?Oh, kalau takde orang minat dia then you have the right to treat her as if she didn't matter?And what makes the situation worst, the girl then jadi serba salah coz her main interest is the first guy but she also wants to move on knowing that her chances with the first guy is slim.Whylaaa..Come on.If you don't want to have anything with her at the first place, say so and let her move on.Janganla buat camni, ok?So kire, bila rasa nak hilang orang yang minat kat dia baru nak buat somethingla..Masa tu baru nak sedarla yang kau suka pompuan tu jugak?That's selfish, allright.

See, I told you.Banyak gila lelaki yang tak tau nak buat keputusan dalam dunia ni.Hish.Tak paham aku.

One more thing, Hanna YM me today to tell me that she's getting married this 12.Demmla korang ni seme.Takde kaki dah aku to get down on the dancefloor *frown* and correction, anak Tini sebenanye adalah lelaki.

Ok, sorry for the jumbled entry.Too many things on my mind.Tula, kalau tak ag yang selalu menjadi mangsa, so dia takde hari ni so korangla plak kene denga seme cerita-cerita hikayat aku.Heh!

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