Friday, March 19, 2004

3 days

Ahh..Yamyam will be going back to terengganu with his dad today.Means..i won't be seeing him till Monday..Gonna miss u,baby. I hope he will acknowledge her mom about my existence. I mean September is like..going to happen this year..and he gotta do what he gotta do..Well, if he feel reluctant to do it..i think..i shall have to find another man..haha kidding!
Anyway, i hope he will enjoy his time at his hometown.Buatla apa-apa yang patut.Pegi kebun ke..mandi laut ke..tangkap ikan ke..He's free from my hassle and nagging for 3 days...

And me..ehehhe..regenerate party is tomorrow..i'm planning to go but to think about it again..why not??It's been a while since i get sasau..hehehe

I'm supposed to go for a casting today tapi i sort of chicken out..hahaha..malas pon ade..and aku tak cukup cun untuk seme tuh..forget it je la....

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