Tuesday, February 03, 2004

Eidul Adha

Selamat hari raya haji..to those who celebrate it..for me..ehe..usual routine maybe something special which i prepare kuah kacang and lodeh..but still i end the day in my "uniform",baby t and short..we didn't even went back to grandma's.mom and dad find it to lazy to drive..so my raya haji is like..the usual cuti..

Despite all the cuti,i syill have tonnes of assigments to be done..tertekan betulla..i wish i would graduate as soon as possible..but thinking of working environment make me scared..buat thesis pon terhegeh2..nak keje kunun..uh...

My neighbour,my child hood friend is getting married next month..ah..can't imagine that..the kenduri will be held here,in Shah Alam..and i guess i'll be around to watch that big day..Watch je la,nak tolong malas..hehe and i bet mom will ask me to do whatever yg patut..uh..uh..and mom said she offered my neighbour to share our house in case her relatives want extra place to stay over..uh oh..not good..coz i'll be the victim.They r going to stay in my room..and i'll be the refugees again..it's not that i dun like human being it just that..i dun like ppl to meddle with my things..but yelah,like my mom said.."once in a lifetime"..
yeah right..nanti kalau jiran seblah lagi kawen,i'll bet she say that too..but..actually nevermind..she's a friend of mine pon..maybe i can sleep at hp after attending her wedding..

But,isn't it too soon to get married.I mean u have to leave ur bachelor hood behind..all the party and boy shopping..Will u regret it?i asked mom "kenapa die nak kawen cepat huh" and she said "sbb bf die dah ade duit..buat apa kawan lama2 lagipun..kalau dah suke,kawin je la.."as if she was saying it to me.. but i try not to understand it..maybe aku je yg perasan kot..haha

okla..enuff of saying shit..maybe i should get my brain wash..

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