Sunday, October 19, 2003


ahhhhhh...i had a wonderful time last night even not all my friends showed up.really..everybody were so eager seeing everyone.and i guess time do change ppl!!my frends had budding to be wonderful women..pheewittt to that.

the food was marvellous, which i ate till i feel like puking..eheh..sorry gopal..i forgot ur carried way..and we sang during the karaoke session even though every body knew that i can;t sing.Oh,aiza came with his hubby and guess what..she is now an add maths teacher!!!what the....can't beleive my ears..what will happen to the students..tsk..tskk..

played bowling..actually i was forced to by nikkit since her classmate were no where to be seen..As the result i broke a nail which really hurt sooooo damn much and we won the 3rd prize..not badla kan for people who knew nuthing about bowling like me.. whole body need some urut-urut..

might be holding the reunion in 4/5 years from now..

eheh..i bet that time everybody will be different..

mybe more wrinkles?


+United we stand Tun Fatimah+

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