hmmm...stuck and home..nuthing to doo..
played all games..listen to stupid soapy love song..
sort of miss azam..
sort of want him back..
sort of miss azam..
can't imagine he marry another chics..
feel like killing my self
all men talk shit..
i want to be a lesbo
Tuesday, October 21, 2003
Sunday, October 19, 2003
ahhhhhh...i had a wonderful time last night even not all my friends showed up.really..everybody were so eager seeing everyone.and i guess time do change ppl!!my frends had budding to be wonderful women..pheewittt to that.
the food was marvellous, which i ate till i feel like puking..eheh..sorry gopal..i forgot ur carried way..and we sang during the karaoke session even though every body knew that i can;t sing.Oh,aiza came with his hubby and guess what..she is now an add maths teacher!!!what the....can't beleive my ears..what will happen to the students..tsk..tskk..
played bowling..actually i was forced to by nikkit since her classmate were no where to be seen..As the result i broke a nail which really hurt sooooo damn much and we won the 3rd prize..not badla kan for people who knew nuthing about bowling like me.. whole body need some urut-urut..
might be holding the reunion in 4/5 years from now..
eheh..i bet that time everybody will be different..
mybe more wrinkles?
+United we stand Tun Fatimah+
the food was marvellous, which i ate till i feel like puking..eheh..sorry gopal..i forgot ur carried way..and we sang during the karaoke session even though every body knew that i can;t sing.Oh,aiza came with his hubby and guess what..she is now an add maths teacher!!!what the....can't beleive my ears..what will happen to the students..tsk..tskk..
played bowling..actually i was forced to by nikkit since her classmate were no where to be seen..As the result i broke a nail which really hurt sooooo damn much and we won the 3rd prize..not badla kan for people who knew nuthing about bowling like me.. whole body need some urut-urut..
might be holding the reunion in 4/5 years from now..
eheh..i bet that time everybody will be different..
mybe more wrinkles?
+United we stand Tun Fatimah+
Friday, October 17, 2003
brain damage
arghhh..last night i was feeling unwell..heart disorder syndrome..or maybe brain?My bad mood dayyy..
today..i fl much much more better..went to bangsar to buy some wrapper and gulf burger king..
tomorrow is the reunion day..urm..still undecided what to wear5..the theme is supposed to be retro..but i dun have anyhting retro.does hoop earing counts?but i will try ot be as retro as impossible.;D...
and tomorrow is the day that i'm suppose to deal with azam,but somehow i ahhh
today..i fl much much more better..went to bangsar to buy some wrapper and gulf burger king..
tomorrow is the reunion day..urm..still undecided what to wear5..the theme is supposed to be retro..but i dun have anyhting retro.does hoop earing counts?but i will try ot be as retro as impossible.;D...
and tomorrow is the day that i'm suppose to deal with azam,but somehow i ahhh
Thursday, October 16, 2003
happy holss!!!just me sitting at home doing some cooking and the household more studying..for a momentlaa..
spent my time with mom..she showed me her new acupunture tools..she always had new gadgets though i dun think she need it ;).I tryied it on's cool..
told mom about yam2 yesterday and about my rlationship with azam..she told me to do what ever i feel happy to do..i think she can accept the other hand..i started to get confused again..arghhh....
reunion..2 days more to go..can't wait!!
spent my time with mom..she showed me her new acupunture tools..she always had new gadgets though i dun think she need it ;).I tryied it on's cool..
told mom about yam2 yesterday and about my rlationship with azam..she told me to do what ever i feel happy to do..i think she can accept the other hand..i started to get confused again..arghhh....
reunion..2 days more to go..can't wait!!
Monday, October 13, 2003
yesterday..watched a movie..a korean movie..tales of 2 sisters..quite ok..sort of enjoy it..
b4 that my day was already spoiled by someone who told m he wanted my bestfriend coz he got maajor crush on her.Yes,my best bud is cun..i know and i'm not mad b'coz of she is my best bud,i'm happy for her it's just could he wants someone else after me?i'm not in rage yesterday b'coz the other person is my best friend..the one i use to hang out together,sleep together and eat together for about 5 yrs..
it's like a major turn the way..i'm going to tell my best friend since he wanted her so bad..and probably we'll just laugh..coz i know...she will never betray me..
then he siad he was joking but i dun think he was joking..maybe if i show him that i dun have any issue with that..he will proceed..ermm...
today..not sure what to do..maybe fotsal
b4 that my day was already spoiled by someone who told m he wanted my bestfriend coz he got maajor crush on her.Yes,my best bud is cun..i know and i'm not mad b'coz of she is my best bud,i'm happy for her it's just could he wants someone else after me?i'm not in rage yesterday b'coz the other person is my best friend..the one i use to hang out together,sleep together and eat together for about 5 yrs..
it's like a major turn the way..i'm going to tell my best friend since he wanted her so bad..and probably we'll just laugh..coz i know...she will never betray me..
then he siad he was joking but i dun think he was joking..maybe if i show him that i dun have any issue with that..he will proceed..ermm...
today..not sure what to do..maybe fotsal
Sunday, October 12, 2003
good day..great day
i woke up with a sore throat..the result of singing my lungs out in a karaoke session last night.Me and my schoolsista went to istana hotel to chill out.Before that we hitted tina's house to watch anugerah i didn't know what's going on..Beside melalak we groove on the dance floor and listen to the band.Girl's night out!!Yeahhhh..maybe we should do it more often..even i often go to clubbing..
and one more suprise..i get to see shaza after about 8 years not meeting her..and yes we do have a great time..yes..she still works in KFC..uh..oh..sound tasty isn't it? more shopping to do..thinking of it just make my day!!!!
and one more suprise..i get to see shaza after about 8 years not meeting her..and yes we do have a great time..yes..she still works in KFC..uh..oh..sound tasty isn't it? more shopping to do..thinking of it just make my day!!!!
Friday, October 10, 2003
didn't make it to nuovo coz i dun feel well last night..ended eating at hartamas square..again...
mundane day..nuthing much to do..just went out and had tenpayakki..
the rest still undecided..
mundane day..nuthing much to do..just went out and had tenpayakki..
the rest still undecided..
Thursday, October 09, 2003
deeeppppppp shiiittt
deep shit..that's how i'm feeling right now..azam keep pastering me about going to ipoh and i dun want to..but since he begged me so much,,i feel pity for him
"i'm losing u..let me make it up to u"
erm..on the other hand..yamyam is showing his tantrum towards me..urghhhhhhh..ii mean ..i can listen to ppl but can u please give me some space...i want to chill out..i do treasure him.. i really do..but i enjoy the way i'm living now and i thought he he said the first time we met..i guess..when u feel u own something..u will be possesive..ait??
"i'm losing u..let me make it up to u"
erm..on the other hand..yamyam is showing his tantrum towards me..urghhhhhhh..ii mean ..i can listen to ppl but can u please give me some space...i want to chill out..i do treasure him.. i really do..but i enjoy the way i'm living now and i thought he he said the first time we met..i guess..when u feel u own something..u will be possesive..ait??
Wednesday, October 08, 2003
finally,had my last paper for this sem..arghh..didn't turn out well as i expected but it wasn't that bad either..
for celebration..i'll be going shopping today!!yayayaya..loveee that thing so much..might be buying new shoes and skirt..or probably something else for my self..ahh....soo refreshing..the though of it make me feel happy already!!
then ..mlm maybe go and watch a movie..farah wants to invade planet tonight but i dun think so..i'll pass that..but tomorrow night even..Nuovo?ahhh..irresistable....except someone might not think that is not a practical idea..hummm..
for celebration..i'll be going shopping today!!yayayaya..loveee that thing so much..might be buying new shoes and skirt..or probably something else for my self..ahh....soo refreshing..the though of it make me feel happy already!!
then ..mlm maybe go and watch a movie..farah wants to invade planet tonight but i dun think so..i'll pass that..but tomorrow night even..Nuovo?ahhh..irresistable....except someone might not think that is not a practical idea..hummm..
Tuesday, October 07, 2003
friends for keep??
sometimes friends try to take advantage upon u..when u are nice..when u buat tak kesah..they tend to pijak kepala u..don't u think?i'm the type of the tak kisah gurl..i mean..since we are friends why should we give shits about small things rite?it's killing me when people bug my life with small things as if they are big..i mean..i dun't even care if my friends borrow my things or whatsoever but ..argh..susahnyer berkwan dgn org..
japanese paper tonight..but somehow i lost my mood.
japanese paper tonight..but somehow i lost my mood.
Monday, October 06, 2003
ANN paper today turns out to be ok..ah..WCS..i lap u!!xcept i didn't get the answer for ADALINE correctly :(..
Did my laundry today..after 1 week moaning over my dirty clothes..hehehe..and now my clothes smell perfect..
might be playing futsal tonight..but it's raining cats cat and dog..mesti jam punye..jap paper tommorrow.
as aleng would say "Ganbantte Kudasai"!!
Did my laundry today..after 1 week moaning over my dirty clothes..hehehe..and now my clothes smell perfect..
might be playing futsal tonight..but it's raining cats cat and dog..mesti jam punye..jap paper tommorrow.
as aleng would say "Ganbantte Kudasai"!!
Sunday, October 05, 2003
beautiful sunday..unfornutely is being spoiled by my becoming ANN paper tomorrow..huhhhh..should be digging my heads now but instead I ENJOY..
yesterday..we went out and have all the way..bila malam went to a club..not clubbing actually just listening to a local band.Awesome!!!Wish i could do that every weekend since i dun go out for clubbing for 3 weeks already..
watch League of Extraordinary Men.Love that movie..eveyone should watch it!!
ahh..ade meeting kol 1...
yesterday..we went out and have all the way..bila malam went to a club..not clubbing actually just listening to a local band.Awesome!!!Wish i could do that every weekend since i dun go out for clubbing for 3 weeks already..
watch League of Extraordinary Men.Love that movie..eveyone should watch it!!
ahh..ade meeting kol 1...
Friday, October 03, 2003
my third paper of the sem..still no sign of 'abg penjaga peperiksaan yg skema'..humm..i kinda missed his weird stares.hehehe
my paper..sux as usual..huh..tataula bile nak tak sux..hmm..
should be preparing for ANN..ahhh..another killer paper since i dun even now a thing about it..uhuhuh...
azam called..he asked me to go to ipoh next settled this up or the other way around..
ok..i admit that i'm the one who screwed up..i'm the one who should be blame..coz for all the sudden my heart changed..for all the suden i dun miss him anymore..i'm the one to be blame..
might go for a swim with yamyam..bestnyer swimming!!
my paper..sux as usual..huh..tataula bile nak tak sux..hmm..
should be preparing for ANN..ahhh..another killer paper since i dun even now a thing about it..uhuhuh...
azam called..he asked me to go to ipoh next settled this up or the other way around..
ok..i admit that i'm the one who screwed up..i'm the one who should be blame..coz for all the sudden my heart changed..for all the suden i dun miss him anymore..i'm the one to be blame..
might go for a swim with yamyam..bestnyer swimming!!
Thursday, October 02, 2003
Love Me
hummm..nuthing much..all are the same just like yesterday..except i learn few things about love..
1.follow ur instinct
2.Don't expect malaysian men to be romantic as in richard gere
3.If they said they'll be there by ten..set up ur mind it's gonna be an hour late
4.they will hurt u with their words
5.sorry probably didn't mean anything is very powerful love their job more than they love u.
8.Do not try to talk to ur men when football is on tv. is surely blind can make u sick,smile,laugh and cry at the same time.. SE exam is tomorrow..but my brain is lie..having some kinda damage..arghhhhhh
1.follow ur instinct
2.Don't expect malaysian men to be romantic as in richard gere
3.If they said they'll be there by ten..set up ur mind it's gonna be an hour late
4.they will hurt u with their words
5.sorry probably didn't mean anything is very powerful love their job more than they love u.
8.Do not try to talk to ur men when football is on tv. is surely blind can make u sick,smile,laugh and cry at the same time.. SE exam is tomorrow..but my brain is lie..having some kinda damage..arghhhhhh
Wednesday, October 01, 2003
B to the O to The R to the E
i can't beleive i didn't go out today..just get stuck in the house..doing my revison.Uh, come some people manage to become housewife? must be tough..
since i got much time mind began to get creative again..thinking of azam and our lost love..i just remember him for all the sudden,maybe because i'm lonely,But..i didn't seemed to miss him..just thingking bout the darlings with him and how is he going to manage living his life without me.It's not that i'm so goddes to be with but i knew the pain of losing someone u love..well..i've been in that stage before even though he didn't actually leaved me but the feeling is kind of same.Or..issit me who r being cruel?
anyway..i found out..all the guy i fell for have the same qualities..they WILL leave me to deal with my own boredom,they will try to insult me for their own pleasure(but no..i'm not insulted),they love it when i have no life except lingering around them and they words speak more lourder than action..hehe..guess i have to deal with it?Or maybe i caould switch my taste in guys?Hmm..good thinking chics!
I weight 42 kg now!Hoaaa....that is something i should consider as a warning..even dad said i'm fat..and i have tripple chin!!huarghhhhhhh...
since i got much time mind began to get creative again..thinking of azam and our lost love..i just remember him for all the sudden,maybe because i'm lonely,But..i didn't seemed to miss him..just thingking bout the darlings with him and how is he going to manage living his life without me.It's not that i'm so goddes to be with but i knew the pain of losing someone u love..well..i've been in that stage before even though he didn't actually leaved me but the feeling is kind of same.Or..issit me who r being cruel?
anyway..i found out..all the guy i fell for have the same qualities..they WILL leave me to deal with my own boredom,they will try to insult me for their own pleasure(but no..i'm not insulted),they love it when i have no life except lingering around them and they words speak more lourder than action..hehe..guess i have to deal with it?Or maybe i caould switch my taste in guys?Hmm..good thinking chics!
I weight 42 kg now!Hoaaa....that is something i should consider as a warning..even dad said i'm fat..and i have tripple chin!!huarghhhhhhh...
nuthing much for today..lepak2 at yamyam house and watch tv..while doing some revising..hmmm...what more?
uh..azam called to wished me happy anniversary..which i didn't remember at all..ermm..
why for all the sudden i became an ignorant bitch?uh..uh..
uh..azam called to wished me happy anniversary..which i didn't remember at all..ermm..
why for all the sudden i became an ignorant bitch?uh..uh..
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