Saturday, June 14, 2003

after pputting on my pjamas..i looked at the mirror and oh nooooooooooooo.i have fat ass..fat legs..i am fat!!on tuesday farez met me at the 'mamak shop' and the first thing he said was 'u gain some weight' or maybe that's the polite way to say 'u're fat'.i just ignore that statement and just talk to him(maybe flirt a bit) untill last 2 days when i ate at two friends convinced me i'm fat and they ate all the fries..maybe they were just joking or maybe not..and another incident was when i walked out from aleng's car to my apartment..he yelled to me 'exercisela woi..kau gemukk'hahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..i knew i was fat :(...

so i make a new resolution..1 thing tomorrow junk food
3.go clubbing(i like this one) nothing and ignore those lunatics

let see what happen tomorrow..actually now is tomorrow.oh well.whatever

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